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Dan Sparacio edited this page Jul 2, 2015 · 3 revisions

grunt is a task runner for node.js.

Install steps

  1. Ensure that you have nodejs installed from
  2. Install grunt using > npm install grunt-cli -g
  3. Ensure that you are in the build directory of the project.
  4. Install the dependencies listed in package.json using > npm install
  5. Run all tasks using > grunt

running individual tasks

  1. Run static checks using > grunt jshint
  2. Run test suites and code coverage using > grunt jasmine
  3. Run minification using > grunt uglify


There are several grunt tasks configured for dash.js.


The uglify grunt task will create dash.min.js from all the js files in the app subdirectories.

Static checks (lint)

The jshint task will report code that does not conform to the settings specified in .jshintrc

Test specs

The jasmine task will run unit and functional tests on the code and produce a coverage report (using istanbul).

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