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Customising the UI

Will White edited this page Aug 25, 2022 · 4 revisions

You can use the Team Finder out of the box without changing very much of the code.

We might make the entire front end customisable with environment variables in the future, but for now you'll need to fork the Team Finder and customise the front end by editing these files:


The app uses Tailwind for styling the app. The tailwind.config.js file contains any custom styling rules we have in place - most relevantly, the custom colours used for the app.

// The existing["number"] values are here:
colors: {
  darkbg: colors.neutral["800"],
  lightbg: colors.gray["600"],
  'lightbg-highlight': colors.gray["500"],
  accent1: colors.fuchsia["500"],
  accent2: colors.yellow["500"],

  // You can also use custom colours with their hex colour definition
  primary: "#ff680a",
  'primary-highlight': "#cc570a",


To change the background image, header image and tab icon, you can replace the files here but keep the filenames the same:

Tab title/description

In order to customise the tab title (and the site description, if you want one), you can edit the text here:

<title>Your tab title goes here, in the title tags</title>