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Scouter is currently in an early Alpha state and as such is subject to change. The software will not be ready for testing until reaching Beta.

Scouter is now in Beta! While it is ready for competition use, there are still some bugs that need to be ironed out.


Scouter is a Web app that allows FRC Teams to record match data, save it to a database, and retreive it for analysis. The two main aspects that makes Scouter unique is its ability to load custom database models and it's reliance on a competition legal LAN network. For more information, please refer to this repo's wiki.


  • Flexible modules that allow teams to customize the database, data fourm, and analysis page to their liking
  • Relies on a network architecture that doesn't need wireless signals, making it competition legal
  • Users can connect straight from any browser on Windows, Mac, Linux, and ChromeOS


If you'd like to contribute to Scouter, please read the contributing page on the wiki.


The Scouter project with its 'server', 'client', and 'launcher' subprojects is open source software licensed as MIT.