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chore(deps): update dependency @pnpm/lockfile-file to v7 (#418)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
([source]( | [`6.0.5` ->


### Release Notes


### [`v7.0.1`](

[Compare Source](

##### Patch Changes

- Use Yarn's compatibility database to patch broken packages in the
ecosystem with package extensions
- `pnpm dlx` should work when the bin name of the executed package isn't
the same as the package name
- Throw an error if arguments are passed to the `pnpm init` command
- `pnpm prune` works in a workspace
- Do not report request retry warnings when loglevel is set to `error`
- `pnpm prune` does not remove hoisted dependencies

##### Our Sponsors

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##### New Contributors
* @&#8203;axe-me made their first

**Full Changelog**: pnpm/pnpm@v7.0.0...v7.0.1

### [`v7.0.0`](

#### Major Changes

-   Node.js 12 is not supported.

- When using `pnpm run <script>`, all command line arguments after the
script name are now passed to the script's argv, even `--`.
For example, the command below will now pass `--hello -- world` to the
`echo` script's argv:
        pnpm run echo --hello -- world
Previously, flagged arguments (e.g. `--silent`) were interpreted as pnpm
arguments unless `--` came before it.
If you want to pass options to pnpm, place them before the script name.
For instance:
        pnpm --workspace-root --silent run echo --hello -- world
Read more details about this [in our
Related PR: [#&#8203;4290](

- The root package is excluded by default, when running `pnpm -r

-   Filtering by path is done by globs.

In pnpm v6, in order to pick packages under a certain directory, the
following filter was used: `--filter=./apps`

    In pnpm v7, a glob should be used: `--filter=./apps/**`

For easier upgrade, we have also added a setting to turn back filtering
as it was in v6. Just set `legacy-dir-filtering=true` in `.npmrc`.

- The `NODE_PATH` env variable is not set in the command shims (the
files in `node_modules/.bin`). This env variable was really long and
frequently caused errors on Windows.

    Also, the `extend-node-path` setting is removed.

    Related PR: [#&#8203;4253](

-   The `embed-readme` setting is `false` by default.

- Side effects cache is turned on by default. To turn it off, use

- The `npm_config_argv` env variable is not set for scripts

-   `pnpx` is now just an alias of `pnpm dlx`.

If you want to just execute the command of a dependency, run `pnpm
<cmd>`. For instance, `pnpm eslint`.

    If you want to install and execute, use `pnpm dlx <pkg name>`.

- `pnpm install -g pkg` will add the global command only to a predefined
location. pnpm will not try to add a bin to the global Node.js or npm
folder. To set the global bin directory, either set the `PNPM_HOME` env
variable or the [`global-bin-dir`](

- `pnpm pack` should only pack a file as an executable if it's a bin or
listed in the `publishConfig.executableFiles` array.

- `-W` is not an alias of `--ignore-workspace-root-check` anymore. Just
use `-w` or `--workspace-root` instead, which will also allow to install
dependencies in the root of the workspace.

- Allow to execute a lifecycle script in a directory that doesn't match
the package's name. Previously this was only allowed with the
`--unsafe-perm` CLI option

- Local dependencies referenced through the `file:` protocol are hard
linked (not symlinked)
[#&#8203;4408]( If you need to
symlink a dependency, use the `link:` protocol instead.

- `strict-peer-dependencies` is `true` by default

- A prerelease version is always added as an exact version to
`package.json`. If the `next` version of `foo` is `1.0.0-beta.1` then
running `pnpm add foo@next` will add this to `package.json`:

      "dependencies": {
        "foo": "1.0.0-beta.1"

    PR: [#&#8203;4435](

- Dependencies of the root workspace project are not used to resolve
peer dependencies of other workspace projects

- Don't hoist types by default to the root of `node_modules`

-   Any package with "prettier" in its name is hoisted.

- Changed the location of the global store from `~/.pnpm-store` to
`<pnpm home directory>/store`

    On Linux, by default it will be `~/.local/share/pnpm/store`
    On Windows: `%LOCALAPPDATA%/pnpm/store`
    On macOS: `~/Library/pnpm/store`

Related issue:

There is no migration script for moving the global packages from the old
location to the old one. Just reinstall all your global packages with
pnpm v7.

- [`4bed585`]( The next
deprecated settings were removed:

    -   frozen-shrinkwrap
    -   prefer-frozen-shrinkwrap
    -   shared-workspace-shrinkwrap
    -   shrinkwrap-directory
    -   lockfile-directory
    -   shrinkwrap-only
    -   store

- Use a base32 hash instead of a hex to encode too long dependency paths
inside `node_modules/.pnpm`

- New setting added: `git-shallow-hosts`. When cloning repositories from
"shallow-hosts", pnpm will use shallow cloning to fetch only the needed
commit, not all the history

-   Lockfile version bumped to v5.4.

- Exit with an error when running `pnpm install` in a directory that has
no `package.json` file in it (and in parent directories)

#### Our Sponsors

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#### What's Changed
* feat!: breaking config changes for v7 by
* feat(pack)!: limit what files are packed as executables by
* feat!: pnpx is an alias of pnpm dlx by
* feat: run scripts without -- by
* fix: revert backwards compatible handling of -- for run by
* feat!: global bins should be created only in predefined locations by
* ci: use pnpm v7 by
* feat!: remove -W option by
* test(audit): fix for 2022-02-15 by
* feat: -F is a short alias of --filter by
* feat: onlyBuiltDependencies by
* fix(make-dedicated-lockfile): don't re-resolve dependency versions in
dedicated lockfile by
* test(audit): mock responses from audit endpoint by
* fix: bad packageManager field by
* feat: use the versions from overrides when adding deps without specs
* chore: document the interface of command packages by
* fix: print an info message when NODE_ENV is set to production by
* test: ignore override if a version is specified at install by
* fix: ignore case, when verifying package name in the store by
* fix: peerDependencyRules with * as range by
* feat: run scripts without --unsafe-perm by
* chore(github): add welcome bot app by
* fix: onlyBuiltDependencies should work by
* fix: pnpm i should work on virtual drives by
* fix: throw a meaningful error message on broken lockfile by
* fix: don't write data from the lockfile to the global store by
* fix(resolve-dependencies): a sequence of injected deps via the file
protocol by
* feat: the file protocol should always inject the dependency by
* feat: add own implementation of the init command by
* feat: strict-peer-dependencies is true by default by
* feat: respect the npmrc by
* feat: a prerelease version is always saved as an exact version by
* feat: prevent deep imports using exports by
* fix: use `@pnpm/graph-sequencer` instead of `graph-sequencer` by
* fix: fetch should allow the same options as install by
* fix: typo by
* fix(lockfile-utils): checking dependenciesMeta by
* fix: types should not be hoisted to the root of node_modules by
* chore: replace deprecated String.prototype.substr() by
* Chore/friendly git error by
* fix: handle undefined version spec by
* lint: remove duplicate code by
* fix: typo by
* feat: don't resolve peer dependencies from workspace root by
* chore: fix typo by
* fix: set root by
* fix(cmd-shim): extend NODE_PATH with path to hidden hoisted dir by
* chore: public-hoist-pattern prettier config by
* feat: remove deprecated settings by
* feat: the global store location should be inside the pnpm home
directory by
* fix: the file protocol should link all files by default by
* fix: dependenciesMeta should be saved into the lockfile by
* fix: resolve peers from linked in dependencies by
* fix: peer dependency has workspace protocol by
* feat: use a shorter hash for dep path by
* feat(git-fetcher): shallow clone when fetching git resource by
* style(*): remove duplicate declarations in TypeScript types by
* docs(*): fix problems with sample code in documentation by
* fix(exe): use the strict equality operator, and make `JSON.parse`
execute correctly by
* Improve spnpm to use esbuild by
* style(*): typo by
* fix(core): prevent duplication of peerDependencyRules in the lockfile
* fix: store integrity check when the lockfile is updated by
* Fix `add` bug with overlapping workspace packages by
* fix(exec): commands of workspace project should be in PATH by
* fix(default-reporter): use loglevel to filter deprecation warnings
(#&#8203;4343) by
* fix: an edge case with peer resolutions and circular deps by
* feat: shrink path to the global directory (to reduce chance of too
long names on Windows) by
* fix(filter-workspace-packages): filter not working if the path
contains Korean characters by
* chore: Set permissions for GitHub actions by
* fix: only `pnpm install` should fail on peer dep issues by
* feat: add legacy-dir-filtering by
* fix(init): don't fail if a parent dir has a package.json by
* fix: dlx should work without a configured global directory by
* fix(install): exit with an error when no package.json is found by
* fix: a file dep has a file dep by
* fix: publish in workspace by
* fix: don't fail when moving packages to node_modules/.ignored by
* fix: global linking by
* fix(exportable-manifest, types): add typesVersions field to

#### New Contributors
* @&#8203;Jack-Works made their first
* @&#8203;kazuare made their first
* @&#8203;Spencer17x made their first
* @&#8203;HomyeeKing made their first
* @&#8203;CommanderRoot made their first
* @&#8203;lawvs made their first
* @&#8203;tmkx made their first
* @&#8203;sudongyuer made their first
* @&#8203;fupengl made their first
* @&#8203;dev-itsheng made their first
* @&#8203;jondlm made their first
* @&#8203;kamsar made their first
* @&#8203;WhiteKiwi made their first
* @&#8203;neilnaveen made their first

**Full Changelog**:



### Configuration

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any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


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renovate[bot] committed Jan 16, 2023
1 parent 1611749 commit 02fdf48
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 2 changed files with 16 additions and 16 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"tsc-alias": "1.8.2",
"tsconfig-paths": "4.1.2",
"typescript": "4.9.4",
"@pnpm/lockfile-file": "6.0.5",
"@pnpm/lockfile-file": "7.0.2",
"@pnpm/logger": "5.0.0",
"pm2": "5.2.2",
"concurrently": "7.6.0"
Expand Down
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions pnpm-lock.yaml

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