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DRAFT: Proposal for Generated & Modernized CSS Properties and Values

Sam Weinig edited this page Oct 30, 2022 · 5 revisions

The current implementation of CSS Values in WebKit is organic and adhoc, and while it has served us well, it could use investment to make it easier to maintain and make it easier to add new properties and values. In this proposal I will outline a vision for this infrastructure.


  • Generate as much as possible from CSSProperties.json, including the property parsers
  • Strongly typed, immutable, and comprehensive output from the property parsers
    • We should never have to "trust" that the parser only produces "valid" values, the type system should enforce it
  • Thread safe (the need for the CSS property parser from Workers is clear, let's make it foolproof)
  • Memory efficient (can't regress things)



CSS properties in WebCore are currently modeled as a tuple of CSSPropertyID & metadata & CSSValue, where CSSPropertyID is an integer constant (currently 0-513, amusingly 1 larger than 2^9th, so this requires 10 bits), metadata is a set 6 bits describing longhand/shorthand, implicitness and importance, and CSSValue is pointer to a reference counted type hierarchy (though non-virtualized) representation (64 bits inline, but more when you look at the pointed to value, somewhat mitigated by the use of CSSValuePool).

One thing to notice is that there is an inherit inefficiency in using a fully general CSSValue for every property, as not every property can be represented using any CSS value.

CSSValues are expressed in a polymorphic fashion, encouraging use of CSSValue or CSSPrimitiveValue (a common subclass) as members of other types, despite those types not actually supporting all possible values (violating Liskov).

I propose we change CSSValue to instead be union of all the possible top level value types. In practice, this might look like removing the inheritance relationship, e.g. CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue no longer inherits from CSSValue, making CSSValue itself no longer reference counted or heap allocated, and introducing a std::variant in CSSValue that has all the types. While doing this, I would also replace CSSPrimitiveValue with a family of new types, one for each kind of CSSPrimitiveValue, e.g. a new CSSColorValue, a new CSSFloatValue, a new CSSAngleValue, etc. Given we already have a union in CSSValue, having a second one at the CSSPrimitiveValue would serve no purpose. We can also apply this same rule to other sub-hierarchies like CSSBasicShape.

For CSSValue types that currently contain other CSSValue (or other polymorphic subtypes like CSSPrimitiveValue) members, rather than continuing to use them, the types should instead utilize the smallest possible subset of the CSSValue union as they can. For instance, CSSRayValue currently contains the member Ref<CSSPrimitiveValue> m_angle, but instead, it could now contain std::variant<CSSAngle, CSSNumber, CSSCalc<CSSAngle>> m_angle. (FIXME: Find a better example)

Making this proposed changed naively leads to two problems: 1) the size of CSSValue skyrockets, and 2) recursively defined values are no longer possible (for example, the <image> grammar is <image> = <url> | <image()> | <image-set()> | <cross-fade()> | <element()> | <gradient> with the <image-set() grammar of image-set() = image-set( [ [ <image> | <string> ] [ <resolution> || type(<string>) ] ]# ) ).

To at least partially solve these problems, we can re-introduce some heap allocation, starting with values that contain themselves. Additionally, we will likely want to cap the maximum size of a type in the CSSValue std::variant to limit the size of CSSValue. Tuning this threshold will be important, so we should aim to make whether or not something is heap allocated hidden and compile time driven. A good starting point would likely be a maximum payload of 8 bytes, allowing simple types like integers, floats and doubles (and even some small aggregates of those) to be stored without allocation. This would still be larger than the current CSSValues inline cost, as the total size will be 8 bytes + sizeof(std::variant tag), so we may need to consider a smaller payload and a custom variant implementation using WTF::CompactPointerTuple, but we should hold off on that until measurements can be done, as we will have wins elsewhere.

One place where we can look for memory wins is in CSSProperty. As noted above, CSSProperty allows for all property ids to have any possible CSSValue associated with them, but that is not required. Most (if not all) properties only support a small subset of the possible values, meaning that CSSValue's std::variant tag is wasting bits. A -text-decoration-skip can only ever have one kind of a value, and identifier, so when packaged together in a CSSProperty, the tags bits of the CSSValue are of no use.

To make this kind of optimization feasible, we would want to generate a struct type for each CSSPropertyID + Supported Top Level Value, and utilize a single tag to identify the pair. Whether this will fit into 2^10 bits remains to be calculated.


To create all the types described above by hand would be quite tedious. Instead, we should augment and utilize CSSProperty.json to meet our needs.

To accomplish this we will need to add metadata for each property about what value types are supported.

One way to go would be to follow the specs. For example, the CSS Background and Borders spec uses the following notation to describe the allowed values for the background-size property: [<bg-size>]# (see, which in turn is defined as <bg-size> = [ <length-percentage [0,∞]> | auto ]{1,2} | cover | contain. This tells us the following type would satisfy the needs of background-size:

enum class AutoKeyword { Auto };
enum class CoverOrContainKeyword { Cover, Contain };

    std::variant<CSSNonNegativeLengthPercentage, AutoKeyword>,
    std::pair<std::variant<CSSNonNegativeLengthPercentage, AutoKeyword>, std::variant<CSSNonNegativeLengthPercentage, AutoKeyword>>,

The downside of using the spec grammar syntax directly would be the complexity of writing the parser and generator on top of it.

Another possibility, and perhaps a better starting point, would be to create a simpler DSL in the JSON file to describe the output. Perhaps something like:

"background-size": {
    "values": [
            "value": "<range>",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 2,
            "alternatives": [
                "<length-percentage [0,∞]>"

Here, we utilize the existing values key and extend it with special strings that start and end with < and > (mimicking the grammar a bit).

In both cases, we can utilize the new metadata to generate the types we need, but additionally, we can start to generate the actual property parsers themselves.

Next Steps

  1. Generate CSSParserFastPaths keyword property related functions from CSSProperties.json
  2. Generate CSSPropertyParser::parseSingleValue, utilizing a similar pattern to StyleBuilderCustom/StyleBuilderGenerated to move us to a world where non-generated parser functions must be noted in CSSProperties.json (like "codegen-properties" / "custom") and have a common naming scheme based on the property name. (This gets us to the point where if we want each property to have a unique result type, we have a generated common bottleneck, CSSPropertyParser::parseSingleValue, that can type-erase to CSSValue for us).
  3. Generate, but don't use yet, the set of types required for each CSSPropertyID + Top Level Value pair possible, and analyze results.

Needs a plan

  • CSSOM wrappers: likely would want to annotate CSSProperties.json to indicate what kind of wrapper is needed and generate the wrapping functions.