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sideshowbarker edited this page Apr 10, 2024 · 8 revisions

This page highlights the differences between merge-queue and unsafe-merge-queue, and explains the proper way to set test expectations.


The merge-queue is used in conjunction with Tools/Scripts/git-webkit land. When a pull-request goes through merge-queue it will build and test it. After you have pushed your pull-request to WebKit Pull Requests, if you manually add the Merge-Queue label it will build and run your commit, or 'patch' if you prefer, against EWS to determine if you commit has any stylistic issues, or if your commit unexpectedly breaks things. Merge-Queue is going to be the label you will want to use if you need your pull-request to go through testing. Once testing is completed, and if s reviewer has approved your pull-request, the Merge-Queue will automatically land your pull-request for you.


Unsafe-Merge-Queue effectively replaces svn dcommit since directly committing to the repository is now only available to repository administers. When using Unsafe-Merge-Queue a style check will be run on your pull-request, and then it will attempt to commit the pull-request without building it or testing it. As long as there are no stylistic, or formatting issues Unsafe-Merge-Queue will commit your change in approx. 1-3 minutes. Unsafe-Merge-Queue should ONLY be used for very simple, basic changes that can't really break anything too badly, or setting expectations for tests.

Test Gardening

Since direct commit access is limited only to repository administers, this will change the prior workflow of Test Gardening/Setting test expectations. As such the new process is outlined as follows:

  1. From a clean up-to-date checkout, create a new branch usingTools/Scripts/git-webkit branch. It will ask you for either your bug URL, or for just a title. Giving it the bug URL will title the branch the same as the title of your bug. You can manually title it as well, if you prefer.

  2. Mark your expectations/ make your changes, followed by git add . and git commit Changelogs are no longer needed for this, but you will still need to add a commit message.

  3. Your commit message MUST contain the term 'Unreviewed' in order for your pull-request to be committed successfully. It is generally recommended that you use the term Unreviewed test gardening. in place of reviewed by nobody. (OOPS) for any commit that is setting any kind of test expectations.

An example template for your commit message looks like:

Screen Shot 2022-05-19 at 4 49 23 PM
  1. Once your expectations and commit message have been added, you can then submit your pull-request by running Tools/Scripts/git-webkit pr. From there your pull-request will be created, and submitted to WebKit Pull Requests. A link directly to your pull-request will be in your terminal output.

  2. Go to your pull-request with the provided link. Then on the right side of the page under the labels tab you will add unsafe-merge-queue just like the example below:

Screen Shot 2022-05-19 at 4 38 14 PM
  1. After adding the unsafe-merge-queue label, your pull-request will attempt to be committed. This should take 1-3 minutes, and should commit without issue given that you followed the steps above. If there is an issue with your pull-request then the commit will fail with an error.