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Git Config

sideshowbarker edited this page Apr 10, 2024 · 7 revisions

The WebKit project outlines a simplified recommended setup here. This section outlines in greater detail other configuration options certain contributors may prefer.


Since git is a decentralized version control system, a local copy can work with any remote that has the same set of shas. GitHub pull requests take advantage of this. After running git-webkit setup, the .git/config in the local WebKit repository should look something like this:

[remote "origin"]
	url =
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[remote "<username>"]
	url =<username>/WebKit.git
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/<username>/*
[remote "fork"]
	url =<username>/WebKit.git
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/fork/*

Now, if a contributor runs git push fork eng/some-branch, eng/some-branch will be pushed to the remote fork, which should correspond to that contributor's personal fork of the WebKit project on GitHub. Likewise, running git checkout remotes/fork/eng/some-branch will checkout eng/some-branch according to that contributor's fork remote.

git-webkit setup also configures a remote with a contributors GitHub username. This is because if other contributors would like to checkout code from a pull request which they do not own, contributors will need to add this:

[remote "<username>"]
	url =<username>/WebKit.git
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/<username>/*

to their .git/config and run git checkout remotes/<username>/eng/some-branch. This is what git-webkit checkout pr-# and EWS machines do to retrieve a contributor's change.

Configuration Options

git-webkit setup automatically sets or prompts the contributor to define a number of git configuration options. Most contributors should use the defaults recommended by git-webkit setup. This section defines, in detail, what an option does and why the WebKit project recommends a certain setting.


Set '<email>' as the git user email for this repository
Enter git user email for this repository: 

The option is usually configured globally, and will become the contact information in git when authoring or committing a change. This is also the part of a commit that GitHub uses when attributing commits to specific users. The email a contributor defines here should be one of that contributor's emails in GitHub so that changes are correctly attributed to the contributor.

The WebKit project asks contributors to define this value for their WebKit repository specifically because a contributor's reported email may change over time, and may even differ between machines. git-webkit setup's prompt is an effort to make contributors think about what their reported contact information for this specific checkout should be.

Note that the author and committer listed in a git commit can easily be spoofed, so plays no part in authentication. It is strictly for communication to other contributors.


Set '<name>' as the git user name for this repository
Enter git user name for this repository: 

The option is usually configured globally, and will become the listed name in git when authoring or committing a change. The name a contributor defines here should be one that individual expects other contributors to use when interacting with them.

Note that the author and committer listed in a git commit can easily be spoofed, so plays no part in authentication. It is strictly for communication to other contributors.


When a contributor is updating a branch from a remote, a local branch may have commits that do not exist on the remote. This usually happens when a contributor is committing local changes. git supports "rebasing" and "merging" in these cases.

"rebasing" means updating the local branch reference to match the remote and then re-applying local commits on top of the tip of the updated branch. For changes which are small relative to the size of the repository, this is the cleanest method of applying local changes to an updated branch.

"merging" means creating a new "merge commit" which has both the most recent commit from the newly updated remote and the most recent local commit as its parents. This technique is useful if the number and magnitude of local commits are large relative to the size of the repository. Note that many project explicitly ban pushing merge commits because they can make bisection and reasoning about continuous integration difficult.

The pull.rebase configuration will automatically use a rebase workflow when running git pull. The WebKit project strongly recommends a rebase workflow and does not allow merge commits on main and other protected branches.



Auto-color status, diff, and branch for this repository?

Applies coloring to various git commands, most notably git log and git diff. A number of git-webkit commands also use this configuration setting when deciding when to display color. Most users will want to use auto, although contributors who are colorblind may wish to either customize these colors or disable them completely.


diff options will apply to different file types and modify the output of git diff to be more human-readable.



Pick a commit message editor for this repository:
    1) [default]
    2) Sublime
    3) vi
    4) open

When creating or editing commit messages, git will invoke an external editor. By default on most systems, this is vi. The core.editor option lets a user of git change what editor they would like to use globally or within a repository. Note that the invocation of the editor should block until the user closes the editor.


git does basic automatic conflict resolution, but certain types of files may be difficult to resolve with what git provides. Specifying a merge.driver for a category of files can help automatically resolve conflicts in these files when running git commands, most notable, git pull. This is most common with frequently changing versioning files or ChangeLogs.


This configuration options pairs a local branch in a contributor's checkout to a subversion branch on a specified remote. This configuration is required to use git svn commands. Note that git-webkit find allows a pure git checkout to reason about Subversion revisions without specifying an svn-remote for the branch containing the revision in question.

WebKit Options

[git-webkit] respects a few options that are specific to the webkitscmpy library. git-webkit setup does automatically configure some of these, metadata/project_config also contains a few default values for the project.


When responding to review feedback, contributors can either append commits to their original changes or force push and overwrite existing commits. git-webkit pull-request supports both workflows, and the webkitscmpy.pull-request option can be set to either overwrite or append to control which workflow git-webkit assumes a contributor is using.



Would you like to create new branches to retain history when you overwrite
a pull request branch?
    1) [when-user-owned]
    2) disabled
    3) always
    4) never

Managing pull requests often involves force pushing. This may result in historical changes being lost as a contributor responds to feedback. git-webkit supports saving old branches for the duration of a pull request. Some projects may wish to aggressively disable this option with never because contributors do not own user-specific forks. when-user-owned is generally considered the default option, which will create history branches only when a contributor owns a remote fork and is using the overwrite workflow.

Alternate Remotes (old)

The WebKit project previously has 5 different remotes:

The first remote,, which began as a git mirror of, has since become the canonical home of the WebKit project.

The second remote,, was previously the canonical remote for the WebKit project. (https) was a deprecated git mirror of (http) and were the same repository but served in different locations.