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ALL Architecture Guide

Andres Leonard-Calcano edited this page Jan 2, 2024 · 2 revisions

ALL Architecture Guide


Welcome to the ALL architecture guide, this document is responsible for walking you through the different tiers and structures that are used in this project. This document will be broken into multiple tiers from high-level 3-tier architecture.

Table of Contents

  1. What is full stack development
  2. Client
  3. Server

What is Full Stack Web Development?

  • Full stack development is the focus on full-scale web applications covering both front-end and back-end.

This project is an open-source full-stack application intended to provide an education tool-like experience to our users. This project is mainly broken up into two large hoods, The front end which is our rendered client to the browser, and the server backend. thus to describe the server backend we are looking at the database, mainly responsible for managing the tracking of data to the site, and the REST API which will go into more detail below.

image of diagram

What is a Client?

Known under multiple names, Client, Front-end, User Interface, etc, this is a part of the architecture that is responsible for executing behavior to get the information to render or display information on the screen. the client in this architecture is the front-end portion of the website. this provides us the ability to navigate a graphical user interface to control the input that we want the user to be able to perform.

What is a RESTFul API?

First, let's talk about the more important bit of this definition. The use of the word API. What is an API you might ask, this is an application programming interface that acts as a middle man allowing two or more applications to communicate with each other.

Good Resources to source from

What is a Database

A database is a collection of data or information that allows for the rapid search and retrieval of information. this allows for the ability for people to access and organize data in a format in which they can make queries to get the information that is stored within.