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Context Documention

Mark Sternefeld edited this page Apr 9, 2024 · 2 revisions

MainContext.js and MainReducerForContext.js (A Focused Look Into Context)


MainContext.js and MainReducerForContext.js are key parts of the state management in our application. They use React's Context API and the useReducer hook to manage and manipulate the global state.


MainContext.js is responsible for creating the main context of the application. It exports a custom hook useMainStateContext that provides access to the main state context. This hook can be used within any component that is a child of MainContextProvider to access the global state and dispatch actions to update it.

The MainContextProvider component is responsible for providing the main context to its child components. It uses the useReducer hook to create a state and a dispatch function. The state is an object that holds the current state of the application, and the dispatch function is used to update the state.

The MainContextProvider also defines an actions object that contains several functions for updating the state. Each function dispatches an action to the reducer function defined in MainReducerForContext.js.


MainReducerForContext.js defines the reducer function for the main context. This function takes the current state and an action, and returns a new state based on the action type. The action types are defined in the types object.

Benefits of Using React Hooks and Context API

React Hooks and the Context API provide a powerful and flexible way to manage state in a React application. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Simplicity: Hooks and Context API simplify the state management by eliminating the need for complex solutions like Redux for small to medium-sized applications.
  • Component Reusability: Hooks allow for better logic encapsulation and make it easier to share stateful logic between components.
  • Performance: Using context avoids prop drilling, which can lead to unnecessary component re-renders and improve performance.
  • Flexibility: The Context API makes it easy to provide data to any component, regardless of its depth in the component tree.


To use the main context in a component, import the useMainStateContext hook:

import { useMainStateContext } from 'path/to/MainContext';

Then, within the component, you can access the state and actions:

const { state, actions } = useMainStateContext();

You can then use the state and actions in your component. For example, to update the user, you would call actions.updateUser(newUser).

MainContext.js as a Benchmark for Context Structure

The MainContext.js file serves as a benchmark example for how other labs should structure their context. It demonstrates a clean and efficient way to set up a context using React's Context API and the useReducer hook.

The context object, MainStateContext, is created using the createContext() function. It provides the initial state and actions for the main context of the application. The initial state is imported from MainReducerForContext.js, and the actions are defined as an object within the context.

Each action is a function that will be used to dispatch actions to the reducer. In this example, the actions are initially defined as empty functions. They will be replaced with actual dispatch functions in the MainContextProvider component.

This structure allows for a clear separation of concerns, where the state and actions are defined in one place and can be easily accessed and updated from any component. This makes the code more maintainable and easier to understand.

Other labs should follow this structure when setting up their own context. They should define their own context object with an initial state and actions, and use the useReducer hook to manage the state updates. This will ensure a consistent and efficient approach to state management across different labs.

Why We Use React's useContext Over Redux

In our application, we have chosen to use React's useContext hook for state management over Redux. Here are the reasons why:


useContext is simpler and easier to grasp, especially for beginners. It doesn't require understanding additional concepts like actions, reducers, or middleware that Redux uses.

Less Boilerplate

Redux requires a lot of boilerplate code to set up and maintain. With useContext, you can achieve similar functionality with less code.


useContext can be more performant for smaller applications as it avoids some of the overhead that comes with Redux.


useContext allows you to structure your state and logic in a way that makes sense for your specific application, without having to adhere to the strict patterns that Redux enforces.


Since useContext is built into React, you don't need to add an extra library to your bundle, which can help keep your application lightweight.

However, it's worth noting that Redux might be a better choice for larger applications with complex state management needs, as it provides advanced features like middleware support, devtools extension, and more predictable state updates with its strict unidirectional data flow.