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Update Python dependencies (#36)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [black](
([changelog]( |
`23.7.0` -> `23.9.1` |
| [exceptiongroup](
| `==1.1.2` -> `==1.1.3` |
| [httpcore]( | `==0.17.3` ->
`==0.18.0` |
| [httpx](
| `==0.24.1` -> `==0.25.0` |
| [lightkube-models]( |
`==` -> `==` |
| [mypy](
[changelog]( | `1.5.0` -> `1.5.1` |
| [pytest](
[changelog]( | `7.4.0`
-> `7.4.2` |
| [tox](
([changelog]( | `4.8.0` ->
`4.11.3` |


### Release Notes

<summary>psf/black (black)</summary>


[Compare Source](

Due to various issues, the previous release (23.9.0) did not include
compiled mypyc
wheels, which make Black significantly faster. These issues have now
been fixed, and
this release should come with compiled wheels once again.

There will be no wheels for Python 3.12 due to a bug in mypyc. We will
provide 3.12
wheels in a future release as soon as the mypyc bug is fixed.

##### Packaging

- Upgrade to mypy 1.5.1

##### Performance

- Store raw tuples instead of NamedTuples in Black's cache, improving
performance and
decreasing the size of the cache


[Compare Source](

##### Preview style

- More concise formatting for dummy implementations
- In stub files, add a blank line between a statement with a body (e.g
`if sys.version_info > (3, x):`) and a function definition on the same
level ([#&#8203;3862](
- Fix a bug whereby spaces were removed from walrus operators within

##### Configuration

- Black now applies exclusion and ignore logic before resolving symlinks

##### Performance

- Avoid importing `IPython` if notebook cells do not contain magics
- Improve caching by comparing file hashes as fallback for mtime and
size ([#&#8203;3821](

##### *Blackd*

- Fix an issue in `blackd` with single character input

##### Integrations

-   Black now has an
[official pre-commit
mirror]( Swapping
`` to
`` in
your `.pre-commit-config.yaml` will make Black about 2x faster
- The `.black.env` folder specified by `ENV_PATH` will now be removed on
the completion
of the GitHub Action


<summary>agronholm/exceptiongroup (exceptiongroup)</summary>




<summary>encode/httpcore (httpcore)</summary>



- Add support for HTTPS proxies.
- Drop Python 3.7 support.
- Handle `sni_hostname` extension with SOCKS proxy.
- Handle HTTP/1.1 half-closed connections gracefully.
- Change the type of `Extensions` from `Mapping[Str, Any]` to
`MutableMapping[Str, Any]`.


<summary>encode/httpx (httpx)</summary>



##### Removed

- Drop support for Python 3.7.

##### Added

- Support HTTPS proxies.
- Change the type of `Extensions` from `Mapping[Str, Any]` to
`MutableMapping[Str, Any]`.
- Add `socket_options` argument to `httpx.HTTPTransport` and
`httpx.AsyncHTTPTransport` classes.
- The `Response.raise_for_status()` method now returns the response
instance. For example: `data =

##### Fixed

- Return `500` error response instead of exceptions when
`raise_app_exceptions=False` is set on `ASGITransport`.
- Ensure all `WSGITransport` environs have a `SERVER_PROTOCOL`.
- Always encode forward slashes as `%2F` in query parameters
- Use Mozilla documentation instead of `` for HTTP error


<summary>python/mypy (mypy)</summary>

### [`v1.5.1`](



<summary>pytest-dev/pytest (pytest)</summary>

pytest 7.4.2 (2023-09-07)


### Bug Fixes

- [#&#8203;11237](
Fix doctest collection of `functools.cached_property` objects.

- [#&#8203;11306](
Fixed bug using `--importmode=importlib` which would cause package
`` files to be imported more than once in some cases.

- [#&#8203;11367](
Fixed bug where `user_properties` where not being saved in the JUnit XML
file if a fixture failed during teardown.

- [#&#8203;11394](
Fixed crash when parsing long command line arguments that might be
interpreted as files.

### Improved Documentation

- [#&#8203;11391](
Improved disclaimer on pytest plugin reference page to better indicate
this is an automated, non-curated listing.

pytest 7.4.1 (2023-09-02)


## Bug Fixes

- [#&#8203;10337](
Fixed bug where fake intermediate modules generated by
`--import-mode=importlib` would not include the
    child modules as attributes of the parent modules.

- [#&#8203;10702](
Fixed error assertion handling in `pytest.approx` when `None` is an
expected or received value when comparing dictionaries.

- [#&#8203;10811](
Fixed issue when using `--import-mode=importlib` together with
`--doctest-modules` that caused modules
to be imported more than once, causing problems with modules that have
import side effects.


<summary>tox-dev/tox (tox)</summary>

### [`v4.11.3`](


#### What's Changed

- docs(plugin): explain plugin registration by
[@&#8203;hashar]( in
- Fix error caused by a bad `base_python` path by
[@&#8203;Tbruno25]( in

#### New Contributors

- [@&#8203;hashar]( made their first
contribution in

**Full Changelog**:

### [`v4.11.2`](


#### What's Changed

- Fix typos discovered by codespell by
[@&#8203;cclauss]( in
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by
[@&#8203;dependabot]( in
- Providing example to make CLI help more helpful for -x,--override by
[@&#8203;posita]( in
- Remove stray colons in `config.rst` left over from
[#&#8203;3111]( by
[@&#8203;posita]( in

#### New Contributors

- [@&#8203;cclauss]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;posita]( made their first
contribution in

**Full Changelog**:

### [`v4.11.1`](


#### What's Changed

- Tests: Don't assume Python 3.10 is always installed, use current
Python version by [@&#8203;hroncok]( in
- Set the --parallel default to "auto", not CPU count by
[@&#8203;paravoid]( in
- Fix , being used as value parser for env var configs by
[@&#8203;gaborbernat]( in

**Full Changelog**:

### [`v4.11.0`](


#### What's Changed

- \[] pre-commit autoupdate by
[@&#8203;pre-commit-ci]( in
- Fix type checker and bump tools by
[@&#8203;gaborbernat]( in
- Add config_settings support for build backend calls by
[@&#8203;nschloe]( in

#### New Contributors

- [@&#8203;nschloe]( made their first
contribution in

**Full Changelog**:

### [`v4.10.0`](


##### What's Changed

- Set basepython for docs env in alignment to Read the Docs default by
[@&#8203;jugmac00]( in
- Document release process by
[@&#8203;jugmac00]( in
- Replace undefined settings with overrides when appending by
[@&#8203;stefanor]( in
- Accept environments with defined factors or of python selector form -
suggest closest by [@&#8203;BeyondEvil](

##### New Contributors

- [@&#8203;BeyondEvil]( made their first
contribution in

**Full Changelog**:

### [`v4.9.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### What's Changed

- Disallow command line environments which are not explicitly specified
in the config file by [@&#8203;tjsmart]( in
- \[] pre-commit autoupdate by
[@&#8203;pre-commit-ci]( in

##### New Contributors

- [@&#8203;tjsmart]( made their first
contribution in

**Full Changelog**: tox-dev/tox@4.8.0...4.9.0



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renovate[bot] committed Sep 14, 2023
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