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bugfix: replaces React_2 for React from type generation #3209

bugfix: replaces React_2 for React from type generation

bugfix: replaces React_2 for React from type generation #3209

Triggered via pull request April 18, 2024 07:19
Status Success
Total duration 5m 1s


on: pull_request
Linting and type checking
1m 31s
Linting and type checking
Unit tests
1m 1s
Unit tests
Functional tests
4m 53s
Functional tests
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5 warnings
Unit tests
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, pnpm/action-setup@v2. For more information see:
Linting and type checking
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, pnpm/action-setup@v2. For more information see:
Functional tests
No files were found with the provided path: packages/dom/test-results. No artifacts will be uploaded.
Functional tests
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, pnpm/action-setup@v2, actions/upload-artifact@v2. For more information see:
Functional tests
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/upload-artifact@v2. For more info: