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How to create your first contribution as a Youtube Video Creator

dvoroneca edited this page Aug 11, 2022 · 1 revision

We welcome anyone looking to create a video for the Alby Youtube channel or translate existing content to their language.

The process of creating the video is following:

  1. Select a topic you'd like to explore in the video.

  2. Write a script and run it by the team on the slack channel. We would love to give feedback and review the copy to make sure everything is correct before you begin recording.

  3. Record the over voice first. At this point, you would also like to make post-production of the audio and remove award sounds like swallowing in loud inhaling.

  4. Record the Screen. We find it is easier to record the actions when you already have the voice recorded. You play the record and do the actions.

  5. Edit the sound and the video together.

  6. Share the draft with the team. Ask for feedback and for the cover images.

  7. Lastly add intros and outros and post the video to youtube under private. Make sure you add a Description.

  8. Description must include:

  • Copy of the text used for recording audio.
  • Link to a Video without the over voice.
  • Links to relevant pages on website.

For Translations:

Every video has a text copy published under the video in the description and a link to a video without the over voice for anyone to use in their translations.

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