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Skull Writter edited this page Aug 22, 2019 · 1 revision

How to build and run from the source tree

First of all, Install sbt.

$ brew install sbt

Run for Development

If you want to test GitBucket, type the following command in the root directory of the source tree.

$ sbt ~jetty:start

Then access http://localhost:8080/ in your browser. The default administrator account is root and password is root.

Source code modifications are detected and a reloaded happens automatically. You can modify the logging configuration by editing src/main/resources/logback-dev.xml.

Build war file

To build war file, run the following command:

$ sbt package

gitbucket_2.13-x.x.x.war is generated into target/scala-2.13.

To build an executable war file, run

$ sbt executable

at the top of the source tree. It generates executable gitbucket.war into target/executable. We release this war file as release artifact.

Run tests spec

Before running tests, you need to install docker.

$ brew cask install docker       # Install Docker
$ open /Applications/  # Start Docker

To run the full series of tests, run the following command:

$ sbt test

If you don't have docker, you can skip docker tests which require docker as follows:

$ sbt "testOnly * -- -l ExternalDBTest"