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Installation on ubuntu 16.04 with oracle_java8 tomcat8 mysql proper apache_proxy

weinuo821 edited this page Sep 17, 2022 · 5 revisions

Installation on ubuntu 16.04 with tomcat8 + mysql + proper apache proxy

This is basically copy-paste from which I wrote for myself. Since I quote myself, it's not stolen. ;)


On ubuntu 16.04, do:

  • install gitbucket
  • deployed onto a tomcat installation
  • with oracle java
  • and a mysql backend
  • behind an apache proxy
  • so its reachable at http://YOUR.SERVER.NAME

Should not be too hard, usually. In reality however, not until you have to work it out from the official documentation, that is.

This was written afterwards from memory and notes and wasn't tested afterwards, in case something doesn't work and you encounter strange behaviours.

The DNS part will not be covered here. So if you can't handle it yourself, you might need help. A quick and not-scaling dirty solution would be to put into your workstations hosts file something.

Linus: `/etc/hosts`
Windows: `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts` (I think, could be wrong)
Mac: google yourself where that file lies



important files / folders and what to do there

/var/gitbucket                          = gitbucket home
/var/gitbucket/gitbucket.conf           = set base url here, else proxying will not work
/var/gitbucket/database.conf            = reference to mysql db
/var/lib/tomcat8/webapps                    = here goes the gitbucket warfile
/var/lib/tomcat8/conf/tomcat-users.xml  = just so you have a user for the tomcat guis
/etc/default/tomcat8                    = set environment variables
/root/.my.cnf                           = set mysql root credentials for easier working with it

# some logs you might want to `tail -f` or `multitail` when troubleshooting the installation
/var/log/mysql/error.log                 = mysql error log, if it doesn't work as expected
/var/lib/tomcat8/logs/catalina.out       = tomcat general + error log
/var/log/apache/error.log                = general apache error.log
/var/www/YOUR.SERVER.NAME/logs/error.log = vhost specific error.log


### fix hostname, if needed

vim /etc/hostname  ## should only contain the hostname, without domain

vim /etc/hosts
#an entry like this one should be present here:
aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd YOUR.SERVER.NAME

java download, compilation and installation

Head over to oracle's and get your JDK .tar.gz for 64bit linux. Server JRE should be sufficient, too, but let's not get into that. Intended version here was 1.8 / Java 8.

Copy the downloaded tar.gz file onto the server, then:

apt install java-package fakeroot -y
useradd -m -U -s /bin/bash java_compile_user
passwd java_compile_user
mv DOWNLOADED_JAVA.tar.gz /home/java_compile_user
chown java_compile_user:java_compile_user /home/java_compile_user/DOWNLOADED_JAVA.tar.gz
su - java_compile_user
fakeroot make-jpkg DOWNLOADED_JAVA.tar.gz  ## (dont mind the warnings, as long as compilation runs completely through)
dpkg -i /home/java_compile_user/GENERATED_JAVA.deb
userdel -rf java_compile_user

tomcat8 installation and base configuration

It is assumed, that the server is not externally facing. Otherwise you should second-guess the ADMIN:ADMIN credentials being set below.

apt install tomcat8 tomcat8-admin

cat << EOF > /var/lib/tomcat8/conf/tomcat-users.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<tomcat-users xmlns=""
              xsi:schemaLocation=" tomcat-users.xsd"

        <user username="ADMIN" password="ADMIN" roles="manager-gui, admin-gui, admin-script" />


echo 'JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/oracle-java8-jdk-amd64' >> /etc/default/tomcat


If installing using tomcat9 running as a systemd service, /etc/default/tomcat9 is not sourced by default (it's part of the catalina startup scripts only). You can fix this by creating /lib/systemd/system/tomcat9.service.d/override.conf:


# Configuration

mysql installation and base configuration, gitbucket user/database creation

Not all packages are necessary, mytop/mysqltuner/percona-toolkit can be omitted. Nevertheless, if you work with mysql you should know all these.

How to setup mysqldump will not be covered here.

touch /var/run/mysqld
chown mysql:mysql !$
chmod 0770 /var/run/mysqld
apt install mysql-server mysql-client mytop mysqltuner percona-toolkit
cat << EOF > /root/.my.cnf
user = root

user = root
mysql  ## test wether login works, if not fix, else you can't continue. Initial mysql setup, if not automated, sucks.
## if borked, google how to fix mysql up with a new password in 5.7, that's the version ubuntu 16.04 uses.
## otherwise continue at the new mysql prompt

drop database test;
create database gitbucket character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
grant all privileges on `gitbucket`.* to gitbucket@localhost identified by 'YOUR_GITBUCKET_DB_PASSWORD';
# possibly here at this point you run into some password issues as mysql 5.7 changed user rights management from past handling.
# if, I can't tell impromptu how to fix it, google it
flush privileges

pt-show-grants  ## if you have percona-toolkit installed
#should show something like this:
-- Grants for 'gitbucket'@'localhost'
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `gitbucket`.* TO 'gitbucket'@'localhost';
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'gitbucket'@'localhost';
mysql -u gitbucket -p  ## if everything works, you can login with your new mysql user
show datases;

getting gitbucket, creating data folder, configuring and deploying it

# Download from the release of choice
# copy onto the server to /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps
chown tomcat8:tomcat8 /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/gitbucket.war
mkdir /var/gitbucket
chown tomcat8:tomcat8 !$
chmod 0775 /var/gitbucket
echo GITBUCKET_HOME=/var/gitbucket >> /etc/default/tomcat8
cat << EOF > /var/gitbucket/database.conf
db {
  url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/gitbucket?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8"
  user = "gitbucket"


If installing with tomcat9 using systemd, tomcat will be sandbox into only having write access to certain paths (/etc/tomcat9, /var/log/tomcat9, and /var/lib/tomcat9). This means gitbucket will not be able to write to /var/gitbucket. Fix this by adding to your systemd override /lib/systemd/system/tomcat9.service.d/override.conf:


# Configuration


continue install

service tomcat8 restart  ## upon first deployment, the gitbucket.conf gets created, i believe
cat /var/gitbucket/gitbucket.conf  ## have a look at it. fix base_url and ssh_host, where needed
# if the base_url setting is wrong, we will not be able to proxy things properly
# if you run into problems later, check /var/gitbucket/gitbucket.conf - wrong base_url and everything is in vain
# now check wether you see the tomcat site at http://YOUR.SERVER.NAME:8080
# with ADMIN:ADMIN you can log into tomcat admin gui, links are in the start page at http://YOUR.SERVER.NAME:8080
# else fix right issues in files/folders mentioned at beginng that should belong to tomcat8:tomcat8
cat << EOF > /var/gitbucket/gitbucket.conf
#Tue Sep 05 01:41:42 CEST 2017

apache, mod_proxy installation, configuration and cookie woes

Login is handled via information in a cookie. Since we will change the base path of the application when it runs through the proxy, we need to fix the path provided within the cookie so the proxy will work properly (proxypassreversecookiepath does this.). If it is omitted, the site will show up, but you won't be able to login, no matter what you do.

How to set up logrotate so your logfile will not run amok, is not covered here.

apt install apache2
a2enmod rewrite
a2enmod headers
a2enmod proxy
a2enmod proxy_http

mkdir -p /var/www/YOUR.SERVER.NAME/logs
touch /var/www/YOUR.SERVER.NAME/logs/{error,access}.log
a2dissite *
service apache2 reload
cat << EOF > /etc/apache2/sites-available/001-YOUR.SERVER.NAME.conf
<virtualhost *:80>

        servername YOUR.SERVER.NAME

        proxypreservehost on
        proxypass                       /               http://localhost:8080/gitbucket/
        proxypassreverse                /               http://localhost:8080/gitbucket/
        proxypassreversecookiepath      /gitbucket      /

        customlog       /var/www/YOUR.SERVER.NAME/logs/access.log common
        errorlog        /var/www/YOUR.SERVER.NAME/logs/error.log


get it all up and running (^W^W^W^W^W^Wtroubleshoot the mess)

#open the logs mentioned at article beginning tailed in other console windows to see what happens when you do these:
service mysql restart
service tomcat8 restart
service apache2 restart
# all this should work, else look what went wrong in the specific log
# browser: http://YOUR.SERVER.NAME

# else
ss -tlpn | cat
netstat -tlpn  ## check wether all services run on 80,8080,3306
iptables -vnxL  ## no rules should be in here to make sure there is not a firewall rule blocking your access.
# if server is externally facing, fix your firewall, don't just remove it!

Now everything should be running. If yes, gitbucket will greet you.

Default login for top-right button is root:root. Hope you had fun.