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Users: New project using Eclipse and Maven Archetypes

Dimitrios Michail edited this page Feb 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

This tutorial explains how to setup a new project which has JGraphT as a dependency.


We provide a JGraphT Maven archetype which can be used to generate a brand new JGraphT project. Make sure that your Eclipse installation has Maven support. This is the default if you download the JEE version.

  1. Open Eclipse and create a new workspace.

  2. Open maven preferences. Go to Windows -> Preferences -> Maven -> Archetypes

  3. Click on Add Remote Catalog button.

    Fill the catalog file as and some custom description.

  4. Create a new Maven project. Go to File -> New -> Maven Project

    and press Next.

  5. Fill in the filter textfield using org.jgrapht.

    Select the maven-archetype-jgrapht and click Next.

  6. Fill in your project details

    and press Finish.

  7. Your new project should be ready.

  8. The used version of JGraphT might not be the latest. Open pom.xml and adjust accordingly.

Happy Coding!

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