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Extension Guides~Additonal Database~Snapshot Generator

Nathan Voxland edited this page Jan 2, 2023 · 1 revision

Defining a New liquibase.snapshot.SnapshotGenerator Implementation


Liquibase defines a database-independent metadata model in liquibase.snapshot.DatabaseSnapshot That model contains standardized liquibase.structure.DatabaseObject objects such as liquibase.structure.core.Table.

The snapshot logic used in not just liquibase snapshot but also liquibase diff and liquibase diff-changelog relies on liquibase.snapshot.SnapshotGenerator implementations to read the database's metadata and create the corresponding DatabaseObject objects

    participant DatabaseSnapshot
    participant SnapshotFactory
    participant SnapshotGenerator
    participant Database
    DatabaseSnapshot->>SnapshotFactory: Snapshot the DatabaseObjects
    SnapshotFactory->>SnapshotGenerator: Snapshot a particular type
    SnapshotGenerator->>Database: Executes Query
    SnapshotGenerator-->>DatabaseSnapshot: Returns DatabaseObject

For example, to snapshot a Column SnapshotFactory will go through all the available SnapshotGenerators that say they support Column for the given database and use the one with the highest priority.

Defining database-specific functionality tends to be writing if (database instanceof ExampleDatabase) blocks around the non-standard calls. Using "instanceof" means the block will apply to any subclasses of the given database. For example, if your database is PostgreSQL compatible and therefore your Database class extensions PostgresDatabase then all the if (database instanceof PostgresDatabase) checks will be used for your database as well.


When adding support for a new Database, there will be existing SnapshotGenerator implementations for all DatabaseObject types. It is usually easiest to subclass the existing SnapshotGenerator to leverage the standard logic, but it's not necessary.

The naming pattern tends to be "ObjectType" + "SnapshotGenerator". For example, Column -> ColumnSnapshotGenerator. Database-specific classes append the database name to the end, like ColumnSnapshotGeneratorOracle.

Empty Constructor

Like all Liquibase extensions, your SnapshotGenerator must have an empty constructor.

getPriority(DatabaseType, Database) and replaces(Class)

The getPriority works a bit different than other extensions in that it's not used to choose the single "best" implementation to use, but rather to choose the order to run SnapshotGenerators in.

Like other getPriority methods, if your implementation does not apply for the given type/database combination, return liquibase.snapshot.PRIORITY_NONE.

However, Liquibase will use ALL instances that return a priority > 0 to snapshot an object. Therefore, if your extension is replacing a base SnapshotGenerator you override the replaces() function rather than returning a higher value from getPriority(). The replaces() function lets you say "use this class in the snapshot logic instead of another one".

A good example implementation for a class that replaces the default ColumnSnapshotGenerator is:

    public int getPriority(Class<? extends DatabaseObject> objectType, Database database) {
        if (database instanceof ExampleDatabase) {
            return super.getPriority(objectType, database);
        } else {
            return PRIORITY_NONE;

    public Class<? extends SnapshotGenerator>[] replaces() {
        return new Class[] {

which relies on the superclass's "should I be part of the snapshot process for the given type" logic but only for ExampleDatabase while also taking the place of ColumnSnapshotGenerator when it's used.

snapshot(DatabaseObject example, DatabaseSnapshot snapshot, SnapshotGeneratorChain chain)

This is the function which is called by the snapshot system to either lookup the information about the given example object, OR add additional information to it. Multiple SnapshotGenerator instances will work together to build up the final snapshot of the object.

The overall flow is:

  1. The calling code defines the "example" object it wants.

For example, if they want to snapshot a Table with the name "address" they construct a liquibase.structure.core.Table object and set the name to be "address". To look up the table in a different schema, they set the schema attribute on Table to the desired schema. The "example" object will contain the fields set that should be used to identify the actual object to snapshot.

  1. The snapshot system will collect up all the SnapshotGenerators that say they should participate in the snapshot and call the snapshot method in getPriority() order.

For example, when snapshotting an example Table, the TableSnapshotGenerator.snapshot() call will run first which captures the table name, schema, etc.
Then the ColumnSnapshotGenerator.snapshot() will run which snapshots all the columns associated with the table and adds those columns to the Table object.

  1. After all the SnapshotGenerators have added their information to the Table object, it's returned to the calling code.

There is a liquibase.snapshot.jvm.JdbcSnapshotGenerator convenience base class that is used for all the standard DatabaseObject SnapshotGenerators which separates the "create the base object" logic from the "add to an object" logic plus has caching built into it.

The standard SnapshotGenerators tend to have overridable functions for commonly variable portions of the snapshot logic, so you generally shouldn't override snapshot itself but more targeted methods instead.

Register your Class

Like all extensions, your SnapshotGenerator must be registered by adding your class name to META-INF/services/liquibase.snapshot.SnapshotGenerator

Example Code

package com.example.snapshot;

import com.example.database.ExampleDatabase;
import liquibase.database.Database;
import liquibase.snapshot.CachedRow;
import liquibase.snapshot.SnapshotGenerator;
import liquibase.snapshot.jvm.ColumnSnapshotGenerator;
import liquibase.structure.DatabaseObject;
import liquibase.structure.core.Column;

public class SnapshotColumnGeneratorExample extends ColumnSnapshotGenerator {

    public int getPriority(Class<? extends DatabaseObject> objectType, Database database) {
        if (database instanceof ExampleDatabase) {
            return super.getPriority(objectType, database);
        } else {
            return PRIORITY_NONE;

    public Class<? extends SnapshotGenerator>[] replaces() {
        return new Class[] {

    protected Object readDefaultValue(CachedRow columnMetadataResultSet, Column columnInfo, Database database) {
        if (columnInfo.getType().getTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase("json")) {
            return columnMetadataResultSet.get("default_value_json");
        } else {
            return super.readDefaultValue(columnMetadataResultSet, columnInfo, database);