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chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.42 #26

merged 1 commit into from
Jun 1, 2022


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@renovate renovate bot commented Nov 30, 2021

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
esbuild 0.14.0 -> 0.14.42 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes



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  • Fix a parser hang on invalid CSS (#​2276)

    Previously invalid CSS with unbalanced parentheses could cause esbuild's CSS parser to hang. An example of such an input is the CSS file :x(. This hang has been fixed.

  • Add support for custom log message levels

    This release allows you to override the default log level of esbuild's individual log messages. For example, CSS syntax errors are treated as warnings instead of errors by default because CSS grammar allows for rules containing syntax errors to be ignored. However, if you would like for esbuild to consider CSS syntax errors to be build errors, you can now configure that like this:

    • CLI

      $ esbuild example.css --log-override:css-syntax-error=error
    • JS API

      let result = await{
        entryPoints: ['example.css'],
        logOverride: {
          'css-syntax-error': 'error',
    • Go API

      result := api.Build(api.BuildOptions{
        EntryPoints: []string{"example.ts"},
        LogOverride: map[string]api.LogLevel{
          "css-syntax-error": api.LogLevelError,

    You can also now use this feature to silence warnings that you are not interested in. Log messages are referred to by their identifier. Each identifier is stable (i.e. shouldn't change over time) except there is no guarantee that the log message will continue to exist. A given log message may potentially be removed in the future, in which case esbuild will ignore log levels set for that identifier. The current list of supported log level identifiers for use with this feature can be found below:


    • assign-to-constant
    • call-import-namespace
    • commonjs-variable-in-esm
    • delete-super-property
    • direct-eval
    • duplicate-case
    • duplicate-object-key
    • empty-import-meta
    • equals-nan
    • equals-negative-zero
    • equals-new-object
    • html-comment-in-js
    • impossible-typeof
    • private-name-will-throw
    • semicolon-after-return
    • suspicious-boolean-not
    • this-is-undefined-in-esm
    • unsupported-dynamic-import
    • unsupported-jsx-comment
    • unsupported-regexp
    • unsupported-require-call


    • css-syntax-error
    • invalid-@​charset
    • invalid-@​import
    • invalid-@​nest
    • invalid-@​layer
    • invalid-calc
    • js-comment-in-css
    • unsupported-@​charset
    • unsupported-@​namespace
    • unsupported-css-property


    • different-path-case
    • ignored-bare-import
    • ignored-dynamic-import
    • import-is-undefined
    • package.json
    • require-resolve-not-external
    • tsconfig.json

    Source maps:

    • invalid-source-mappings
    • sections-in-source-map
    • missing-source-map
    • unsupported-source-map-comment

    Documentation about which identifiers correspond to which log messages will be added in the future, but hasn't been written yet. Note that it's not possible to configure the log level for a build error. This is by design because changing that would cause esbuild to incorrectly proceed in the building process generate invalid build output. You can only configure the log level for non-error log messages (although you can turn non-errors into errors).


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  • Fix a minification regression in 0.14.40 (#​2270, #​2271, #​2273)

    Version 0.14.40 substituted string property keys with numeric property keys if the number has the same string representation as the original string. This was done in three places: computed member expressions, object literal properties, and class fields. However, negative numbers are only valid in computed member expressions while esbuild incorrectly applied this substitution for negative numbers in all places. This release fixes the regression by only doing this substitution for negative numbers in computed member expressions.

    This fix was contributed by @​susiwen8.


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  • Correct esbuild's implementation of "preserveValueImports": true (#​2268)

    TypeScript's preserveValueImports setting tells the compiler to preserve unused imports, which can sometimes be necessary because otherwise TypeScript will remove unused imports as it assumes they are type annotations. This setting is useful for programming environments that strip TypeScript types as part of a larger code transformation where additional code is appended later that will then make use of those unused imports, such as with Svelte or Vue.

    This release fixes an issue where esbuild's implementation of preserveValueImports diverged from the official TypeScript compiler. If the import clause is present but empty of values (even if it contains types), then the import clause should be considered a type-only import clause. This was an oversight, and has now been fixed:

    // Original code
    import "keep"
    import { k1 } from "keep"
    import k2, { type t1 } from "keep"
    import {} from "remove"
    import { type t2 } from "remove"
    // Old output under "preserveValueImports": true
    import "keep";
    import { k1 } from "keep";
    import k2, {} from "keep";
    import {} from "remove";
    import {} from "remove";
    // New output under "preserveValueImports": true (matches the TypeScript compiler)
    import "keep";
    import { k1 } from "keep";
    import k2 from "keep";
  • Avoid regular expression syntax errors in older browsers (#​2215)

    Previously esbuild always passed JavaScript regular expression literals through unmodified from the input to the output. This is undesirable when the regular expression uses newer features that the configured target environment doesn't support. For example, the d flag (i.e. the match indices feature) is new in ES2022 and doesn't work in older browsers. If esbuild generated a regular expression literal containing the d flag, then older browsers would consider esbuild's output to be a syntax error and none of the code would run.

    With this release, esbuild now detects when an unsupported feature is being used and converts the regular expression literal into a new RegExp() constructor instead. One consequence of this is that the syntax error is transformed into a run-time error, which allows the output code to run (and to potentially handle the run-time error). Another consequence of this is that it allows you to include a polyfill that overwrites the RegExp constructor in older browsers with one that supports modern features. Note that esbuild does not handle polyfills for you, so you will need to include a RegExp polyfill yourself if you want one.

    // Original code
    // New output (with --target=chrome90)
    // New output (with --target=chrome89)
    console.log(new RegExp("b", "d").exec("abc").indices);

    This is currently done transparently without a warning. If you would like to debug this transformation to see where in your code esbuild is transforming regular expression literals and why, you can pass --log-level=debug to esbuild and review the information present in esbuild's debug logs.

  • Add Opera to more internal feature compatibility tables (#​2247, #​2252)

    The internal compatibility tables that esbuild uses to determine which environments support which features are derived from multiple sources. Most of it is automatically derived from these ECMAScript compatibility tables, but missing information is manually copied from MDN, GitHub PR comments, and various other websites. Version 0.14.35 of esbuild introduced Opera as a possible target environment which was automatically picked up by the compatibility table script, but the manually-copied information wasn't updated to include Opera. This release fixes this omission so Opera feature compatibility should now be accurate.

    This was contributed by @​lbwa.

  • Ignore EPERM errors on directories (#​2261)

    Previously bundling with esbuild when inside a sandbox environment which does not have permission to access the parent directory did not work because esbuild would try to read the directory to search for a node_modules folder and would then fail the build when that failed. In practice this caused issues with running esbuild with sandbox-exec on macOS. With this release, esbuild will treat directories with permission failures as empty to allow for the node_modules search to continue past the denied directory and into its parent directory. This means it should now be possible to bundle with esbuild in these situations. This fix is similar to the fix in version 0.9.1 but is for EPERM while that fix was for EACCES.

  • Remove an irrelevant extra "use strict" directive (#​2264)

    The presence of a "use strict" directive in the output file is controlled by the presence of one in the entry point. However, there was a bug that would include one twice if the output format is ESM. This bug has been fixed.

  • Minify strings into integers inside computed properties (#​2214)

    This release now minifies a["0"] into a[0] when the result is equivalent:

    // Original code
    console.log(x['0'], { '0': x }, class { '0' = x })
    // Old output (with --minify)
    // New output (with --minify)

    This transformation currently only happens when the numeric property represents an integer within the signed 32-bit integer range.


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  • Fix code generation for export default and /* @​__PURE__ */ call (#​2203)

    The /* @​__PURE__ */ comment annotation can be added to function calls to indicate that they are side-effect free. These annotations are passed through into the output by esbuild since many JavaScript tools understand them. However, there was an edge case where printing this comment before a function call caused esbuild to fail to parenthesize a function literal because it thought it was no longer at the start of the expression. This problem has been fixed:

    // Original code
    export default /* @​__PURE__ */ (function() {
    // Old output
    export default /* @​__PURE__ */ function() {
    // New output
    export default /* @​__PURE__ */ (function() {
  • Preserve ... before JSX child expressions (#​2245)

    TypeScript 4.5 changed how JSX child expressions that start with ... are emitted. Previously the ... was omitted but starting with TypeScript 4.5, the ... is now preserved instead. This release updates esbuild to match TypeScript's new output in this case:

    // Original code
    // Old output
    console.log(/* @&#8203;__PURE__ */ React.createElement("a", null, b));
    // New output
    console.log(/* @&#8203;__PURE__ */ React.createElement("a", null, ...b));

    Note that this behavior is TypeScript-specific. Babel doesn't support the ... token at all (it gives the error "Spread children are not supported in React").

  • Slightly adjust esbuild's handling of the browser field in package.json (#​2239)

    This release changes esbuild's interpretation of browser path remapping to fix a regression that was introduced in esbuild version 0.14.21. Browserify has a bug where it incorrectly matches package paths to relative paths in the browser field, and esbuild replicates this bug for compatibility with Browserify. I have a set of tests that I use to verify that esbuild's replication of this Browserify is accurate here: However, I was missing a test case and esbuild's behavior diverges from Browserify in this case. This release now handles this edge case as well:

    • entry.js:

    • node_modules/pkg/package.json:

        "browser": {
          "./sub": "./sub/foo.js",
          "./sub/sub.js": "./sub/foo.js"
    • node_modules/pkg/sub/foo.js:

    • node_modules/sub/index.js:


    The import path sub in require('sub') was previously matching the remapping "./sub/sub.js": "./sub/foo.js" but with this release it should now no longer match that remapping. Now require('sub') will only match the remapping "./sub/sub": "./sub/foo.js" (without the trailing .js). Browserify apparently only matches without the .js suffix here.


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  • Further fixes to TypeScript 4.7 instantiation expression parsing (#​2201)

    This release fixes some additional edge cases with parsing instantiation expressions from the upcoming version 4.7 of TypeScript. Previously it was allowed for an instantiation expression to precede a binary operator but with this release, that's no longer allowed. This was sometimes valid in the TypeScript 4.7 beta but is no longer allowed in the latest version of TypeScript 4.7. Fixing this also fixed a regression that was introduced by the previous release of esbuild:

    Code TS 4.6.3 TS 4.7.0 beta TS 4.7.0 nightly esbuild 0.14.36 esbuild 0.14.37 esbuild 0.14.38
    a<b> == c<d> Invalid a == c Invalid a == c a == c Invalid
    a<b> in c<d> Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid a in c Invalid
    a<b>>=c<d> Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid a >= c Invalid
    a<b>=c<d> Invalid a < b >= c a = c a < b >= c a = c a = c
    a<b>>c<d> a < b >> c a < b >> c a < b >> c a < b >> c a > c a < b >> c

    This table illustrates some of the more significant changes between all of these parsers. The most important part is that esbuild 0.14.38 now matches the behavior of the latest TypeScript compiler for all of these cases.


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  • Add support for TypeScript's moduleSuffixes field from TypeScript 4.7

    The upcoming version of TypeScript adds the moduleSuffixes field to tsconfig.json that introduces more rules to import path resolution. Setting moduleSuffixes to [".ios", ".native", ""] will try to look at the the relative files ./foo.ios.ts, ./foo.native.ts, and finally ./foo.ts for an import path of ./foo. Note that the empty string "" in moduleSuffixes is necessary for TypeScript to also look-up ./foo.ts. This was announced in the TypeScript 4.7 beta blog post.

  • Match the new ASI behavior from TypeScript nightly builds (#​2188)

    This release updates esbuild to match some very recent behavior changes in the TypeScript parser regarding automatic semicolon insertion. For more information, see TypeScript issues #​48711 and #​48654 (I'm not linking to them directly to avoid Dependabot linkback spam on these issues due to esbuild's popularity). The result is that the following TypeScript code is now considered valid TypeScript syntax:

    class A<T> {}
    new A<number> /* ASI now happens here */
    if (0) {}
    interface B {
      (a: number): typeof a /* ASI now happens here */
      <T>(): void

    This fix was contributed by @​g-plane.


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  • Revert path metadata validation for now (#​2177)

    This release reverts the path metadata validation that was introduced in the previous release. This validation has uncovered a potential issue with how esbuild handles onResolve callbacks in plugins that will need to be fixed before path metadata validation is re-enabled.


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  • Add support for parsing typeof on #private fields from TypeScript 4.7 (#​2174)

    The upcoming version of TypeScript now lets you use #private fields in typeof type expressions:

    class Container {
      #data = "hello!";
      get data(): typeof this.#data {
        return this.#data;
      set data(value: typeof this.#data) {
        this.#data = value;

    With this release, esbuild can now parse these new type expressions as well. This feature was contributed by @​magic-akari.

  • Add Opera and IE to internal CSS feature support matrix (#​2170)

    Version 0.14.18 of esbuild added Opera and IE as available target environments, and added them to the internal JS feature support matrix. CSS feature support was overlooked, however. This release adds knowledge of Opera and IE to esbuild's internal CSS feature support matrix:

    /* Original input */
    a {
      color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
    /* Old output (with --target=opera49 --minify) */
    /* New output (with --target=opera49 --minify) */

    The fix for this issue was contributed by @​sapphi-red.

  • Change TypeScript class field behavior when targeting ES2022

    TypeScript 4.3 introduced a breaking change where class field behavior changes from assign semantics to define semantics when the target setting in tsconfig.json is set to ESNext. Specifically, the default value for TypeScript's useDefineForClassFields setting when unspecified is true if and only if target is ESNext. TypeScript 4.6 introduced another change where this behavior now happens for both ESNext and ES2022. Presumably this will be the case for ES2023 and up as well. With this release, esbuild's behavior has also been changed to match. Now configuring esbuild with --target=es2022 will also cause TypeScript files to use the new class field behavior.

  • Validate that path metadata returned by plugins is consistent

    The plugin API assumes that all metadata for the same path returned by a plugin's onResolve callback is consistent. Previously this assumption was just assumed without any enforcement. Starting with this release, esbuild will now enforce this by generating a build error if this assumption is violated. The lack of validation has not been an issue (I have never heard of this being a problem), but it still seems like a good idea to enforce it. Here's a simple example of a plugin that generates inconsistent sideEffects metadata:

    let buggyPlugin = {
      name: 'buggy',
      setup(build) {
        let count = 0
        build.onResolve({ filter: /^react$/ }, args => {
          return {
            path: require.resolve(args.path),
            sideEffects: count++ > 0,

    Since esbuild processes everything in parallel, the set of metadata that ends up being used for a given path is essentially random since it's whatever the task scheduler decides to schedule first. Thus if a plugin does not consistently provide the same metadata for a given path, subsequent builds may return different results. This new validation check prevents this problem.

    Here's the new error message that's shown when this happens:

    ✘ [ERROR] [plugin buggy] Detected inconsistent metadata for the path "node_modules/react/index.js" when it was imported here:
          1 │ import { createElement } from 'react'
            ╵                               ~~~~~~~
      The original metadata for that path comes from when it was imported here:
          1 │ import * as React from 'react'
            ╵                        ~~~~~~~
      The difference in metadata is displayed below:
      -  "sideEffects": true,
      +  "sideEffects": false,
      This is a bug in the "buggy" plugin. Plugins provide metadata for a given path in an "onResolve"
      callback. All metadata provided for the same path must be consistent to ensure deterministic
      builds. Due to parallelism, one set of provided metadata will be randomly chosen for a given path,
      so providing inconsistent metadata for the same path can cause non-determinism.
  • Suggest enabling a missing condition when exports map fails (#​2163)

    This release adds another suggestion to the error message that happens when an exports map lookup fails if the failure could potentially be fixed by adding a missing condition. Here's what the new error message looks like (which now suggests --conditions=module as a possible workaround):

    ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "@&#8203;sentry/electron/main"
          1 │ import * as Sentry from '@&#8203;sentry/electron/main'
            ╵                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      The path "./main" is not currently exported by package "@&#8203;sentry/electron":
          8 │   "exports": {
            ╵              ^
      None of the conditions provided ("require", "module") match any of the currently active conditions
      ("browser", "default", "import"):
          16 │     "./main": {
             ╵               ^
      Consider enabling the "module" condition if this package expects it to be enabled. You can use
      "--conditions=module" to do that:
          18 │       "module": "./esm/main/index.js"
             ╵       ~~~~~~~~
      Consider using a "require()" call to import this file, which will work because the "require"
      condition is supported by this package:
          1 │ import * as Sentry from '@&#8203;sentry/electron/main'
            ╵                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      You can mark the path "@&#8203;sentry/electron/main" as external to exclude it from the bundle, which
      will remove this error.

    This particular package had an issue where it was using the Webpack-specific module condition without providing a default condition. It looks like the intent in this case was to use the standard import condition instead. This specific change wasn't suggested here because this error message is for package consumers, not package authors.


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Something went wrong with the publishing script for the previous release. Publishing again.


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  • Fix a regression regarding super (#​2158)

    This fixes a regression from the previous release regarding classes with a super class, a private member, and a static field in the scenario where the static field needs to be lowered but where private members are supported by the configured target environment. In this scenario, esbuild could incorrectly inject the instance field initializers that use this into the constructor before the call to super(), which is invalid. This problem has now been fixed (notice that this is now used after super() instead of before):

    // Original code
    class Foo extends Object {
      static FOO;
      constructor() {
    // Old output (with --bundle)
    var _foo;
    var Foo = class extends Object {
      constructor() {
        __privateAdd(this, _foo, void 0);
    _foo = new WeakMap();
    __publicField(Foo, "FOO");
    // New output (with --bundle)
    var _foo;
    var Foo = class extends Object {
      constructor() {
        __privateAdd(this, _foo, void 0);
    _foo = new WeakMap();
    __publicField(Foo, "FOO");

    During parsing, esbuild scans the class and makes certain decisions about the class such as whether to lower all static fields, whether to lower each private member, or whether calls to super() need to be tracked and adjusted. Previously esbuild made two passes through the class members to compute this information. However, with the new super() call lowering logic added in the previous release, we now need three passes to capture the whole dependency chain for this case: 1) lowering static fields requires 2) lowering private members which requires 3) adjusting super() calls.

    The reason lowering static fields requires lowering private members is because lowering static fields moves their initializers outside of the class body, where they can't access private members anymore. Consider this code:

    class Foo {
      get #foo() {}
      static bar = new Foo().#foo

    We can't just lower static fields without also lowering private members, since that causes a syntax error:

    class Foo {
      get #foo() {}
    } = new Foo().#foo;

    And the reason lowering private members requires adjusting super() calls is because the injected private member initializers use this, which is only accessible after super() calls in the constructor.

  • Fix an issue with --keep-names not keeping some names (#​2149)

    This release fixes a regression with --keep-names from version 0.14.26. PR #​2062 attempted to remove superfluous calls to the __name helper function by omitting calls of the form __name(foo, "foo") where the name of the symbol in the first argument is equal to the string in the second argument. This was assuming that the initializer for the symbol would automatically be assigned the expected .name property by the JavaScript VM, which turned out to be an incorrect assumption. To fix the regression, this PR has been reverted.

    The assumption is true in many cases but isn't true when the initializer is moved into another automatically-generated variable, which can sometimes be necessary during the various syntax transformations that esbuild does. For example, consider the following code:

    class Foo {
      static get #foo() { return }
      static get foo() { return this.#foo }
    let Bar = Foo
    Foo = { name: 'Bar' }

    This code should print Bar Foo. With --keep-names --target=es6 that code is lowered by esbuild into the following code (omitting the helper function definitions for brevity):

    var _foo, foo_get;
    const _Foo = class {
      static get foo() {
        return __privateGet(this, _foo, foo_get);
    let Foo = _Foo;
    __name(Foo, "Foo");
    _foo = new WeakSet();
    foo_get = /* @&#8203;__PURE__ */ __name(function() {
    }, "#foo");
    __privateAdd(Foo, _foo);
    let Bar = Foo;
    Foo = { name: "Bar" };

    The injection of the automatically-generated _Foo variable is necessary to preserve the semantics of the captured Foo binding for methods defined within the class body, even when the definition needs to be moved outside of the class body during code transformation. Due to a JavaScript quirk, this binding is immutable and does not change even if Foo is later reassigned. The PR that was reverted was incorrectly removing the call to __name(Foo, "Foo"), which turned out to be necessary after all in this case.

  • Print some large integers using hexadecimal when minifying (#​2162)

    When --minify is active, esbuild will now use one fewer byte to represent certain large integers:

    // Original code
    x = 123456787654321;
    // Old output (with --minify)
    // New output (with --minify)

    This works because a hexadecimal representation can be shorter than a decimal representation starting at around 1012 and above.

    This optimization made me realize that there's probably an opportunity to optimize printed numbers for smaller gzipped size instead of or in addition to just optimizing for minimal uncompressed byte count. The gzip algorithm does better with repetitive sequences, so for example 0xFFFFFFFF is probably a better representation than 4294967295 even though the byte counts are the same. As far as I know, no JavaScript minifier does this optimization yet. I don't know enough about how gzip works to know if this is a good idea or what the right metric for this might be.

  • Add Linux ARM64 support for Deno (#​2156)

    This release adds Linux ARM64 support to esbuild's Deno API implementation, which allows esbuild to be used with Deno on a Raspberry Pi.


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  • Fix super usage in lowered private methods (#​2039)

    Previously esbuild failed to transform super property accesses inside private methods in the case when private methods have to be lowered because the target environment doesn't support them. The generated code still contained the super keyword even though the method was moved outside of the class body, which is a syntax error in JavaScript. This release fixes this transformation issue and now produces valid code:

    // Original code
    class Derived extends Base {
      #foo() { }
      bar() { this.#foo() }
    // Old output (with --target=es6)
    var _foo, foo_fn;
    class Derived extends Base {
      constructor() {
        __privateAdd(this, _foo);
      bar() {
        __privateMethod(this, _foo, foo_fn).call(this);
    _foo = new WeakSet();
    foo_fn = function() {;
    // New output (with --target=es6)
    var _foo, foo_fn;
    const _Derived = class extends Base {
      constructor() {
        __privateAdd(this, _foo);
      bar() {
        __privateMethod(this, _foo, foo_fn).call(this);
    let Derived = _Derived;
    _foo = new WeakSet();
    foo_fn = function() {
      __superGet(_Derived.prototype, this, "foo").call(this);

    Because of this change, lowered super property accesses on instances were rewritten so that they can exist outside of the class body. This rewrite affects code generation for all super property accesses on instances including those inside lowered async functions. The new approach is different but should be equivalent to the old approach:

    // Original code
    class Foo {
      foo = async () =>
    // Old output (with --target=es6)
    class Foo {
      constructor() {
        __publicField(this, "foo", () => {
          var __superGet = (key) => super[key];
          return __async(this, null, function* () {
            return __superGet("foo").call(this);
    // New output (with --target=es6)
    class Foo {
      constructor() {
        __publicField(this, "foo", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
          return __superGet(Foo.prototype, this, "foo").call(this);
  • Fix some tree-shaking bugs regarding property side effects

    This release fixes some cases where side effects in computed properties were not being handled correctly. Specifically primitives and private names as properties should not be considered to have side effects, and object literals as properties should be considered to have side effects:

    // Original code
    let shouldRemove = { [1]: 2 }
    let shouldRemove2 = class { #foo }
    let shouldKeep = class { [{ toString() { sideEffect() } }] }
    // Old output (with --tree-shaking=true)
    let shouldRemove = { [1]: 2 };
    let shouldRemove2 = class {
    // New output (with --tree-shaking=true)
    let shouldKeep = class {
      [{ toString() {
      } }];
  • Add the wasmModule option to the initialize JS API (#​1093)

    The initialize JS API must be called when using esbuild in the browser to provide the WebAssembly module for esbuild to use. Previously the only way to do that was using the wasmURL API option like this:

    await esbuild.initialize({
      wasmURL: '/node_modules/esbuild-wasm/esbuild.wasm',
    console.log(await esbuild.transform('1+2'))

    With this release, you can now also initialize esbuild using a WebAssembly.Module instance using the wasmModule API option instead. The example above is equivalent to the following code:

    await esbuild.initialize({
      wasmModule: await WebAssembly.compileStreaming(fetch('/node_modules/esbuild-wasm/esbuild.wasm'))
    console.log(await esbuild.transform('1+2'))

    This could be useful for environments where you want more control over how the WebAssembly download happens or where downloading the WebAssembly module is not possible.


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  • Add support for parsing "optional variance annotations" from TypeScript 4.7 (#​2102)

    The upcoming version of TypeScript now lets you specify in and/or out on certain type parameters (specifically only on a type alias, an interface declaration, or a class declaration). These modifiers control type paramemter covariance and contravariance:

    type Provider<out T> = () => T;
    type Consumer<in T> = (x: T) => void;
    type Mapper<in T, out U> = (x: T) => U;
    type Processor<in out T> = (x: T) => T;

    With this release, esbuild can now parse these new type parameter modifiers. This feature was contributed by @​magic-akari.

  • Improve support for super() constructor calls in nested locations (#​2134)

    In JavaScript, derived classes must call super() somewhere in the constructor method before being able to access this. Class public instance fields, class private instance fields, and TypeScript constructor parameter properties can all potentially cause code which uses this to be inserted into the constructor body, which must be inserted after the super() call. To make these insertions straightforward to implement, the TypeScript compiler doesn't allow calling super() somewhere other than in a root-level statement in the constructor body in these cases.

    Previously esbuild's class transformations only worked correctly when super() was called in a root-level statement in the constructor body, just like the TypeScript compiler. But with this release, esbuild should now generate correct code as long as the call to super() appears anywhere in the constructor body:

    // Original code
    class Foo extends Bar {
      constructor(public skip = false) {
        if (skip) {
        super({ keys: [] })
    // Old output (incorrect)
    class Foo extends Bar {
      constructor(skip = false) {
        if (skip) {
        super({ keys: [] });
        this.skip = skip;
    // New output (correct)
    class Foo extends Bar {
      constructor(skip = false) {
        var __super = (...args) => {
          this.skip = skip;
        if (skip) {
        __super({ keys: [] });
  • Add support for the new @container CSS rule (#​2127)

    This release adds support for @container in CSS files. This means esbuild will now pretty-print and minify these rules better since it now better understands the internal structure of these rules:

    /* Original code */
    @&#8203;container (width <= 150px) {
      #inner {
        color: yellow;
    /* Old output (with --minify) */
    @&#8203;container (width <= 150px){#inner {color: yellow;}}
    /* New output (with --minify) */
    @&#8203;container (width <= 150px){#inner{color:#ff0}}

    This was contributed by @​yisibl.

  • Avoid CSS cascade-dependent keywords in the font-family property (#​2135)

    In CSS, initial, inherit, and unset are CSS-wide keywords which means they have special behavior when they are specified as a property value. For example, while font-family: 'Arial' (as a string) and font-family: Arial (as an identifier) are the same, font-family: 'inherit' (as a string) uses the font family named inherit but font-family: inherit (as an identifier) inherits the font family from the parent element. This means esbuild must not unquote these CSS-wide keywords (and default, which is also reserved) during minification to avoid changing the meaning of the minified CSS.

    The current draft of the new CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 5 specification adds another concept called cascade-dependent keywords of which there are two: revert and revert-layer. This release of esbuild guards against unquoting these additional keywords as well to avoid accidentally breaking pages that use a font with the same name:

    /* Original code */
    a { font-family: 'revert'; }
    b { font-family: 'revert-layer', 'Segoe UI', serif; }
    /* Old output (with --minify) */
    a{font-family:revert}b{font-family:revert-layer,Segoe UI,serif}
    /* New output (with --minify) */
    a{font-family:"revert"}b{font-family:"revert-layer",Segoe UI,serif}

    This fix was contributed by @​yisibl.


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  • Change the context of TypeScript parameter decorators (#​2147)

    While TypeScript parameter decorators are expressions, they are not evaluated where they exist in the code. They are moved to after the class declaration and evaluated there instead. Specifically this TypeScript code:

    class Class {
      method(@&#8203;decorator() arg) {}

    becomes this JavaScript code:

    class Class {
      method(arg) {}
      __param(0, decorator())
    ], Class.prototype, "method", null);

    This has several consequences:

    • Whether await is allowed inside a decorator expression or not depends on whether the class declaration itself is in an async context or not. With this release, you can now use await inside a decorator expression when the class declaration is either inside an async function or is at the top-level of an ES module and top-level await is supported. Note that the TypeScript compiler currently has a bug regarding this edge case:

      // Using "await" inside a decorator expression is now allowed
      async function fn(foo: Promise<any>) {
        class Class {
          method(@&#8203;decorator(await foo) arg) {}
        return Class

      Also while TypeScript currently allows await to be used like this in async functions, it doesn't currently allow yield to be used like this in generator functions. It's not yet clear whether this behavior with yield is a bug or by design, so I haven't made any changes to esbuild's handling of yield inside decorator expressions in this release.

    • Since the scope of a decorator expression is the scope enclosing the class declaration, they cannot access private identifiers. Previously this was incorrectly allowed but with this release, esbuild no longer allows this. Note that the TypeScript compiler currently has a bug regarding this edge case:

      // Using private names inside a decorator expression is no longer allowed
      class Class {
        static #priv = 123
        method(@&#8203;decorator(Class.#priv) arg) {}
    • Since the scope of a decorator expression is the scope enclosing the class declaration, identifiers inside parameter decorator expressions should never be resolved to a parameter of the enclosing method. Previously this could happen, which was a bug with esbuild. This bug no longer happens in this release.

      // Name collisions now resolve to the outer name instead of the inner name
      let arg = 1
      class Class {
        method(@&#8203;decorator(arg) arg = 2) {}

      Specifically previous versions of esbuild generated the following incorrect JavaScript (notice the use of arg2):

      let arg = 1;
      class Class {
        method(arg2 = 2) {
        __decorateParam(0, decorator(arg2))
      ], Class.prototype, "method", 1);

      This release now generates the following correct JavaScript (notice the use of arg):

      let arg = 1;
      class Class {
        method(arg2 = 2) {
        __decorateParam(0, decorator(arg))
      ], Class.prototype, "method", 1);
  • Fix some obscure edge cases with super property access

    This release fixes the following obscure problems with super when targeting an older JavaScript environment such as --target=es6:

    1. The compiler could previously crash when a lowered async arrow function contained a class with a field initializer that used a super property access:

      let foo = async () => class extends Object {
        bar = super.toString
    2. The compiler could previously generate incorrect code when a lowered async method of a derived class contained a nested class with a computed class member involving a super property access on the derived class:

      class Base {
        foo() { return 'bar' }
      class Derived extends Base {
        async foo() {
          return new class { [] = 'success' }
      new Derived().foo().then(obj => console.log(
    3. The compiler could previously generate incorrect code when a default-exported class contained a super property access inside a lowered static private class field:

      class Foo {
        static foo = 123
      export default class extends Foo {
        static #foo =
        static bar = this.#foo


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  • Fix a minification bug with a double-nested if inside a label followed by else (#​2139)

    This fixes a minification bug that affects the edge case where if is followed by else and the if contains a label that contains a nested if. Normally esbuild's AST printer automatically wraps the body of a single-statement if in braces to avoid the "dangling else" if/else ambiguity common to C-like languages (where the else accidentally becomes associated with the inner if instead of the outer if). However, I was missing automatic wrapping of label statements, which did not have test coverage because they are a rarely-used feature. This release fixes the bug:

    // Original code
    if (a)
      b: {
        if (c) break b
    else if (d)
    // Old output (with --minify)
    if(a)e:if(c)break e;else d&&e();
    // New output (with --minify)
    if(a){e:if(c)break e}else d&&e();
  • Fix edge case regarding baseUrl and paths in tsconfig.json (#​2119)

    In tsconfig.json, TypeScript forbids non-relative values inside paths if baseUrl is not present, and esbuild does too. However, TypeScript checked this after the entire tsconfig.json hierarchy was parsed while esbuild incorrectly checked this immediately when parsing the file containing the paths map. This caused incorrect warnings to be generated for tsconfig.json files that specify a baseUrl value and that inherit a paths value from an extends clause. Now esbuild will only check for non-relative paths values after the entire hierarchy has been parsed to avoid generating incorrect warnings.

  • Better handle errors where the esbuild binary executable is corrupted or missing (#​2129)

    If the esbuild binary executable is corrupted or missing, previously there was one situation where esbuild's JavaScript API could hang instead of generating an error. This release changes esbuild's library code to generate an error instead in this case.


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  • Add support for some new CSS rules (#​2115, #​2116, #​2117)

    This release adds support for @font-palette-values, @counter-style, and @font-feature-values. This means esbuild will now pretty-print and minify these rules better since it now better understands the internal structure of these rules:

    /* Original code */
    @&#8203;font-palette-values --Foo { base-palette: 1; }
    @&#8203;counter-style bar { symbols: b a r; }
    @&#8203;font-feature-values Bop { @&#8203;styleset { test: 1; } }
    /* Old output (with --minify) */
    @&#8203;font-palette-values --Foo{base-palette: 1;}@&#8203;counter-style bar{symbols: b a r;}@&#8203;font-feature-values Bop{@&#8203;styleset {test: 1;}}
    /* New output (with --minify) */
    @&#8203;font-palette-values --Foo{base-palette:1}@&#8203;counter-style bar{symbols:b a r}@&#8203;font-feature-values Bop{@&#8203;styleset{test:1}}
  • Upgrade to Go 1.18.0 (#​2105)

    Binary executables for this version are now published with Go version 1.18.0. The Go release notes say that the linker generates smaller binaries and that on 64-bit ARM chips, compiled binaries run around 10% faster. On an M1 MacBook Pro, esbuild's benchmark runs approximately 8% faster than before and the binary executable is approximately 4% smaller than before.

    This also fixes a regression from version 0.14.26 of esbuild where the browser builds of the esbuild-wasm package could fail to be bundled due to the use of built-in node libraries. The primary WebAssembly shim for Go 1.18.0 no longer uses built-in node libraries.


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  • Avoid generating an enumerable default import for CommonJS files in Babel mode (#​2097)

    Importing a CommonJS module into an ES module can be done in two different ways. In node mode the default import is always set to module.exports, while in Babel mode the default import passes through to module.exports.default instead. Node mode is triggered when the importing file ends in .mjs, has type: "module" in its package.json file, or the imported module does not have a __esModule marker.

    Previously esbuild always created the forwarding default import in Babel mode, even if module.exports had no property called default. This was problematic because the getter named default still showed up as a property on the imported namespace object, and could potentially interfere with code that iterated over the properties of the imported namespace object. With this release the getter named default will now only be added in Babel mode if the default property exists at the time of the import.

  • Fix a circular import edge case regarding ESM-to-CommonJS conversion (#​1894, #​2059)

    This fixes a regression that was introduced in version 0.14.5 of esbuild. Ever since that version, esbuild now creates two separate export objects when you convert an ES module file into a CommonJS module: one for ES modules and one for CommonJS modules. The one for CommonJS modules is written to module.exports and exported from the file, and the one for ES modules is internal and can be accessed by bundling code that imports the entry point (for example, the entry point might import itself to be able to inspect its own exports).

    The reason for these two separate export objects is that CommonJS modules are supposed to see a special export called __esModule which indicates that the module used to be an ES module, while ES modules are not supposed to see any automatically-added export named __esModule. This matters for real-world code both because people sometimes iterate over the properties of ES module export namespace objects and because some people write ES module code containing their own exports named __esModule that they expect other ES module code to be able to read.

    However, this change to split exports into two separate objects broke ES module re-exports in the edge case where the imported module is involved in an import cycle. This happened because the CommonJS module.exports object was no longer mutated as exports were added. Instead it was being initialized at the end of the generated file after the import statements to other modules (which are converted into require() calls). This release changes module.exports initialization to happen earlier in the file and then double-writes further exports to both the ES module and CommonJS module export objects.

    This fix was contributed by @​indutny.


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  • Fix a tree shaking regression regarding var declarations (#​2080, #​2085, #​2098, #​2099)

    Version 0.14.8 of esbuild enabled removal of duplicate function declarations when minification is enabled (see #​610):

    // Original code
    function x() { return 1 }
    function x() { return 2 }
    // Output (with --minify-syntax)
    function x() {
      return 2;

    This transformation is safe because function declarations are "hoisted" in JavaScript, which means they are all done first before any other code is evaluted. This means the last function declaration will overwrite all previous function declarations with the same name.

    However, this introduced an unintentional regression for var declarations in which all but the last declaration was dropped if tree-shaking was enabled. This only happens for top-level var declarations that re-declare the same variable multiple times. This regression has now been fixed:

    // Original code
    var x = 1
    var x = 2
    // Old output (with --tree-shaking=true)
    var x = 2;
    // New output (with --tree-shaking=true)
    var x = 1;
    var x = 2;

    This case now has test coverage.

  • Add support for parsing "instantiation expressions" from TypeScript 4.7 (#​2038)

    The upcoming version of TypeScript now lets you specify <...> type parameters on a JavaScript identifier without using a call expression:

    const ErrorMap = Map<string, Error>;  // new () => Map<string, Error>
    const errorMap = new ErrorMap();  // Map<string, Error>



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github-actions bot commented Nov 30, 2021

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@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.1 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.2 Dec 4, 2021
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.2 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.3 Dec 12, 2021
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.3 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.4 Dec 14, 2021
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/esbuild-0.x branch 2 times, most recently from e4787e4 to 9bb84db Compare December 14, 2021 20:24
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.4 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.5 Dec 14, 2021
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.5 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.6 Dec 20, 2021
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.6 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.7 Dec 21, 2021
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.7 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.8 Dec 23, 2021
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.8 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.9 Dec 29, 2021
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.9 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.10 Dec 31, 2021
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.10 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.11 Jan 9, 2022
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.11 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.12 Jan 21, 2022
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.12 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.13 Jan 22, 2022
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.13 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.14 Jan 25, 2022
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.14 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.25 Mar 7, 2022
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.25 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.28 Mar 26, 2022
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.28 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.38 Apr 24, 2022
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.38 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.39 May 15, 2022
@renovate renovate bot changed the title chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.39 chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.14.42 Jun 1, 2022
@mochaaP mochaaP merged commit e550db6 into master Jun 1, 2022
@renovate renovate bot deleted the renovate/esbuild-0.x branch June 1, 2022 15:50
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