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Kinglong Mee edited this page Nov 23, 2017 · 5 revisions

Exporting GlusterFS volumes via Ganesha

The FSAL_GLUSTER allows you to export GlusterFS volumes with NFS-Ganesha. It relies on libgfapi user-space library to access the data stored in GlusterFS volume. This library is distributed by most recent Linux distributions, and called glusterfs-api in Fedora and RHEL based systems.

Before using this feature make sure that GlusterFS volumes are created and ready to be exported. Refer to the Gluster QuickStart Guide to setup and create glusterfs volumes.


If using cmake,

$ mkdir build
$ cmake ../path/to/nfs-ganesha/src
$ make
$ sudo make install

You will need to have the glusterfs-api-devel package installed. By default, cmake should be able to detect the library. If the detection fails, try passing the -DUSE_FSAL_GLUSTER=ON option to the above cmake command.

Configuring the specific stuff for FSAL_GLUSTER

To configure NFS-Ganesha to export GlusterFS volume, below are the minimal set of options required to be set in the configuration file (by default /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf).

   # Export Id (mandatory, each EXPORT must have a unique Export_Id)
   Export_Id = 77;

   # Exported path (mandatory)
   Path = "/testvol"; # assuming 'testvol' is the Gluster volume name

   # Pseudo Path (required for NFS v4)
   Pseudo = "/testvol";

   # Required for access (default is None)
   # Could use CLIENT blocks instead
   Access_Type = RW;

   # Allow root access
   Squash = No_Root_Squash;

   # Security flavor supported
   SecType = "sys";

   # Exporting FSAL
   FSAL {
     Name = "GLUSTER";
     Hostname = "10.xx.xx.xx";  # IP of one of the nodes in the trusted pool
     Volume = "testvol";
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