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Testing with jenkins

bongiojp edited this page Mar 21, 2013 · 12 revisions

Jenkins is an automation environment that can poll git repositories, download, build ganesha on a server, test the server with multiple scripts from multiple clients, then parse the results and report on the health of the server. There are a lot of pieces to put together though. Hopefully this page takes away some of the pain.


Download latest (version > 1.500) from front page of

In my experience updating from one version to another through an installed jenkins instance is a disaster.

I think this was a simple process. If not we can add instructions.


First install plugins, then add VM clients, then create jobs which will run scripts on the clients.

Plugins to install

  • Git Plugin - This will allow us to poll git repositories and
  • Libvirt Slaves Plugin - This enables jenkins to start/stop VMs and ssh to them to start the jenkins client.

Add VMs to list of known machines

To add a new node:

  1. click these "Manage Jenkins" -> "Manage Nodes" -> "New Node"
  2. Add a node name which will be displayed in jenkins to identify that VM and choose "Slave virtual computer running on a virtualization platform (via libvirt)"
  3. Fill out the fields similar to this and then repeat steps 1-4 for every VM you want to use:

Configuring a new VM client

Here is the list of VM clients I've been using. Keep in mind the terms sonas13 and sonas20 are incorrect. sonas13 tests the ibm_next branch. sonas20 tests the ganesha 2.0 bulid with GPFS. List of VM clients already added

Setting up new jobs

Most jobs should be created as muliconfiguration jobs. This way you can choose which VMs the script will run on.

Choosing a multiconfiguration job

Job to distribute build script

First, it's useful to have a job that makes all clients/servers pull a single repository that contains useful scripts.

Choosing git repository to test and poll

configuration matrix

Job to build Ganesha on servers

Job to run tests with servers

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