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ExponentiateHelper: fix internal error and internal warning #15159

ExponentiateHelper: fix internal error and internal warning

ExponentiateHelper: fix internal error and internal warning #15159

Triggered via pull request April 24, 2024 14:36
Status Failure
Total duration 3m 27s


on: pull_request
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1m 14s
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Generate PHP baseline
1m 17s
Generate PHP baseline
Matrix: PHPStan with result cache
Matrix: PHPStan
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2 errors
PHPStan with result cache (8.1)
Failed to execute git checkout '00ea0afa643b3b4383a5cd1a322656c989ade498' -- && git reset --hard '00ea0afa643b3b4383a5cd1a322656c989ade498' -- fatal: reference is not a tree: 00ea0afa643b3b4383a5cd1a322656c989ade498 It looks like the commit hash is not available in the repository, maybe the tag was recreated? Run "composer update nette/di" to resolve this.
PHPStan with result cache (8.1)
Process completed with exit code 1.