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Releases: protocolbuffers/protobuf-go


06 Mar 00:48
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This release contains one security fix:

  • encoding/protojson: Unmarshal could enter an infinite loop when unmarshaling certain forms of invalid JSON. This condition can occur when unmarshaling into a message which contains a google.protobuf.Any value, or when the UnmarshalOptions.DiscardUnknown option is set. Unmarshal now correctly returns an error when handling these inputs. This is CVE-2024-24786.


22 Dec 09:41
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Full Changelog: v1.31.0...v1.32.0

This release contains commit bfcd647, which fixes a denial of service vulnerability by preventing a stack overflow through a default maximum recursion limit. See golang/protobuf#1583 and golang/protobuf#1584 for details.


26 Jun 11:48
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Notable changes

New Features

  • CL/489316: types/dynamicpb: add NewTypes
    • Add a function to construct a dynamic type registry from a protoregistry.Files
  • CL/489615: encoding: add MarshalAppend to protojson and prototext

Minor performance improvements

  • CL/491596: encoding/protodelim: If UnmarshalFrom gets a bufio.Reader, try to reuse its buffer instead of creating a new one
  • CL/500695: proto: store the size of tag to avoid multiple calculations

Bug fixes

  • CL/497935: internal/order: fix sorting of synthetic oneofs to be deterministic
  • CL/505555: encoding/protodelim: fix handling of io.EOF


16 Mar 08:59
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In the previous two releases, v1.29.0 and v1.29.1, we associated the tags with the wrong commits and thus the tags do not reference any commit in this repository. This tag, v1.30.0, refers to an existing commit again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Notable changes

New Features

  • CL/449576: protoadapt: helper functions to convert v1 or v2 message to either v1 or v2 message.


14 Mar 09:55
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Notable changes

Bug fixes

  • CL/475995: internal/encoding/text: fix parsing of incomplete numbers


08 Mar 16:04
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This version introduces a new package protodelim to marshal and unmarshal size-delimited messages.
It also brings the implementation up to date with the latest protobuf features.

Notable changes

New Features

  • CL/419254: encoding: add protodelim package
  • CL/450775: reflect/protoreflect: add Value.Equal method
  • CL/462315: cmd/protoc-gen-go: make deprecated messages more descriptive
  • CL/473015: encoding/prototext: allow whitespace and comments between minus sign and number in negative numeric literal

Alignment with protobuf

  • CL/426054: types/descriptorpb: update *.pb.go to use latest protoc release, 21.5
  • CL/425554: encoding/protojson: fix parsing of google.protobuf.Timestamp
  • CL/461238: protobuf: remove the check for reserved field numbers
  • CL/469255: types/descriptorpb: regenerate using latest protobuf v22.0 release
  • CL/472696: cmd/protoc-gen-go: support protobuf retention feature

Documentation improvements:

  • CL/464275: proto: document Equal behavior of invalid messages
  • CL/466375: all: update links to Protocol Buffer documentation

Minor performance improvements

  • CL/460215: types/known/structpb: preallocate map in AsMap
  • CL/465115: internal/strs: avoid unnecessary allocations in Builder

Breaking changes

  • CL/461238: protobuf: remove the check for reserved field numbers
    • protowire.(Number).IsValid() no longer returns false for reserved fields because reserved fields are considered semantically valid by the protobuf spec.


28 Jul 14:18
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This release contains protoc-gen-go binaries for arm64.

Notable changes since v1.28.0:

  • CL/418677: internal/impl: improve MessageInfo.New performance
  • CL/411377: proto: short-circuit Equal when inputs are identical
  • CL/419714: all: Add prebuild binaries for arm64


22 Mar 12:13
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The release provides a new unmarshal option for limiting the recursion depth when unmarshalling nested messages to prevent stack overflows. (UnmarshalOptions.RecursionLimit).

Notable changes

New features:

  • CL/340489: testing/protocmp: add Message.Unwrap

Documentation improvements:

  • CL/339569: reflect/protoreflect: add more docs on Value aliasing

Updated supported versions:

UnmarshalOption RecursionLimit

  • CL/385854: all: implement depth limit for unmarshalling

The new UnmarshalOptions.RecursionLimit limits the maximum recursion depth when unmarshalling messages. The limit is applied for nested messages. When messages are nested deeper than the specified limit the unmarshalling will fail. If unspecified, a default limit of 10,000 is applied.

In addition to the configurable limit for message nesting a non-configurable recursion limit for group nesting of 10,000 was introduced.

Upcoming breakage changes

The default recursion limit of 10,000 introduced in the release is subject to change. We want to align this limit with implementations for other languages in the long term. C++ and Java use a limit of 100 which is also the target for the Go implementation.


28 Jun 18:40
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Notable changes since v1.27.0:

  • CL/331149: cmd/protoc-gen-go: fix generation of enum defaults


25 Jun 23:24
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The release provides new functionality for iterating through a message using protobuf reflection. There are some minor changes to the code generator.

Notable changes

New features:

  • CL/309669: testing/protopack: add Message.UnmarshalAbductive

Bug fixes:

  • CL/317430: encoding/prototext: fix skipping of unknown fields
  • CL/321529: internal/impl: support typed nil source for Merge of aberrant messages

Generator changes

  • CL/305574: cmd/protoc-gen-go: remove generation of the ExtensionRangeArray method
  • CL/319649: cmd/protoc-gen-go: avoid referencing remote enum values by name
  • CL/316949: compiler/protogen: relax rules for valid import paths
  • CL/306209: cmd/protoc-gen-go: add protoc suffix

Reflectively ranging over a message

  • CL/236540: reflect: add protopath and protorange packages

The new reflect/protorange package supports recursively ranging through all populated fields of a message. There are many use cases for such a feature. See the examples for inspiration.

Upcoming breakage changes

This release removes generation of the ExtensionRangeArray method, as originally announced since the v1.20.0 release on March 2nd, 2020. Our analysis of the entire public module proxy found no static usages of this method. This method is pseudo-internal to the implementation and we expect removal of it to have no material impact. If something is broken by this change, please file an issue and we can consider re-generating this method in a patch release.

There are no new upcoming breaking changes to announce in this release.