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How to customize your email confirmations

Gil Perez edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 1 revision


First things to know, Solidus platform has a Mailer preview that can be accessed here when running your local environment.


Here you have the "Spree Mailer Preview" for Reimbursement, Order Cancel, Confirmation email, and Inventory Cancellation as well as Shipped email confirmation template.

If you click on Confirm you will see an unstyled version of the email that gets sent to the client by default. The direct URL should be:


To edit the page you will first have to create a version of the file by overriding the default core template that can be found in this path of the Solidus Core Github code:

You can do this by running this on the root of your app via your terminal:

> touch app/views/spree/order_mailer/confirm_email.html.erb

and copy the confirm_email.html.erb code to edit the template.

To preview your changes you can go here:


That's it!

The other locations of the files to override for the Shipping confirmation can be found in:


The Header and Footer of the email confirmations can be found here:
