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Versioning Guidelines

John Hawthorn edited this page Feb 23, 2016 · 1 revision

We aim to follow the spirit of SemVer as closely as we can.

Traditional spree development involved a lot of overriding behaviour through class_eval and overriding views either through deface or by replacing them. This made upgrading, even through the same X-Y-stable branch, quite dangerous and error-prone.

Our main goal for the Solidus project is to define proper extension points so that fewer breaking changes are introduced, and those that are introduced are easily found.

Patch versions

Patch versions (x.y.Z) are reserved for small bug fixes and security patches. Commits will be added sparingly to ensure that stores can always stay on the latest patch version.

The internal call structure should be maintained so that any overrides to method will still be called in the same way. An exception will be made if necessary for a security fix.

Minor versions

Minor versions (x.Y.z) is for backwards compatible changes to the public API. This is tough to define exactly because our public API could be considered to be all methods on all of our ActiveRecord objects, which is not feasible to maintain. We will use our best judgement about what methods are being used, but there may still be incompatible changes. Methods we have documented should only have backwards compatible changes.

Any class_eval overrides or deface overrides may not be called any more or be called in a different way. We will use our best judgement to add extension points when we suspect there to be a store with an override.

We would like to also follow the rails approach: deprecating functionality in one minor version and removing it in the next.

Major versions

Major version (X.y.z) are for backwards incompatible changes. We will make an effort to document these changes in the release notes.