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psiinon edited this page Jun 9, 2015 · 2 revisions

Other Videos

Various ZAP related videos recorded by a variety of people :)

For the 'official' training videos see: Training Videos

OWASP ZAP 2.4.0 and beyond...

A 45 minute video of the talk given by Simon Bennetts (psiinon) at AppSec EU in Amsterdam on 21st May 2015 on OWASP ZAP 2.4.0 and future work, including the announcement of ZaaS - ZAP as a Service.

OWASP ZAP Advanced Features

A 50 minute video of the talk given by Simon Bennetts (psiinon) at AppSec EU in Cambridge on 26th July 2014 on OWASP ZAP Advanced Features including demos of Contexts, Authentication and client side Zest scripts.

OWASP ZAP Innovations

A 50 minute video of the talk given by Simon Bennetts (psiinon) at AppSec USA in New York on 20nd November 2013 on OWASP ZAP Innovations including demos of Zest, Plug-n-Hack phase 1 and an early peak at phase 2.

ZAP, Plug-n-hack and Zest at the Mozilla Security Assurance work week

A recording of an unscripted presentation by Simon Bennetts about ZAP, Plug-n-Hack and Zest at the Mozilla Security Assurance work week in Paris - September 2013.

OWASP ZAP Innovations

A 45 minute video of the talk given by Simon Bennetts (psiinon) at AppSec EU in Hamburg on 23nd August 2013 on OWASP ZAP Innovations.

Medi Wiki Tech talk

A talk given by Adam Baso to Media Wiki on using ZAP on 27th June 2013.

Practical Security for developers using OWASP ZAP

A 1 hour video of the talk given by Simon Bennetts (psiinon) at FOSDEM conference on 2nd February 2013.

A 1 hour video of the talk given by Simon Bennetts (psiinon) at the OWASP AppSec USA conference on 23rd September 2011.

Unfortunately this type of video cant be embedded in the wiki.

Automated Security Testing using ZAP

A talk by Alan Parkinson given at the Selenium Conf2012

A 2 hour recording of the Blackhat webcast on ZAP from 8th Novemeber 2011 presented by Justin Searle.

Note that you have to register in order to view this video, and that it doesnt not appear to work on Linux. But its well worth watching!


The security team have produced these ZAP videos:

They include videos on:

  • Setting up Zap for Browser
  • Setting up Zap for Android Phone/Tablet
  • Setting up Zap for iPhone/iPad
  • Setting up Zap for Client Application
  • Running the scan
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