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Rick M edited this page Sep 26, 2022 · 11 revisions


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Checks supported by Watcher

Issue 244 has been raised to cover enhancing ZAP to support all of these rules.

Source code:

Test page:

Please let us know (or update the page yourself if you have the perms) if you are working on any of these rules.

Put your name in the ZAP column if you are working on them and then change it to 'committed' when the code is checked in.

Note that the scanners' IDs are currently recorded in this doc: so please update this as well.

ZAP Watcher Rule
Release - ViewstateScanner Check.Pasv.Asp.Net.ViewState.Mac.cs tests if ASP.NET VIEWSTATE has MAC protection disabled.
Release - CharsetMismatchScanner Check.Pasv.Charset.Mismatch.cs tests charset mismatches.
Check.Pasv.Charset.Utf.cs test that UTF8 is set as the charset.
Release - CookieHttpOnlyScanner Check.Pasv.Cookie.HttpOnly.cs tests that HttpOnly flag is set on cookies.
Release - CookieLooselyScopedScanner Check.Pasv.Cookie.LooselyScoped.cs checks for loosely scoped cookies.
Release - CookieSecureFlagScanner [1] Check.Pasv.Cookie.Secure.cs test that the 'secure' flag is set on cookies over SSL.
Check.Pasv.CrossDomain.FormSubmit.cs checks for cross-domain form post.
Release - CrossDomainScriptInclusionScanner Check.Pasv.CrossDomain.JavascriptReference.cs checks for cross-domain javascript references.
Release - CrossDomainScriptInclusionScanner Check.Pasv.CrossDomain.ScriptReference.cs checks for cross-domain javascript files inclusion.
Check.Pasv.CrossDomain.StyleSheetInclusion.cs checks for cross-domain stylesheets.
Check.Pasv.Flash.AllowScriptAccess.cs checks Flash instantiation for the AllowScriptAccess setting.
Beta (Active) - CrossDomainScanner Check.Pasv.Flash.CrossDomain.cs checks Flash crossdomain.xml file for insecure settings.
Release - CacheControlScanner
& Alpha - CacheControlScanner
Check.Pasv.Header.CacheControl.cs checks HTTP cache-control header on SSL pages.
Release - ContentTypeMissingScanner Check.Pasv.Header.ContentTypeMissing.cs that the Content-Type HTTP header is not missing.
Release - XFrameOptionScanner Check.Pasv.Header.FrameOptions.cs checks that the X-FRAME-OPTIONS is not missing or insecurely set.
Release - TestInfoPrivateAddressDisclosure Check.Pasv.Header.InternalIp.cs checks HTTP headers for internal IP address disclosure
Release - HeaderXssProtectionScanner Check.Pasv.Header.IeXssProtection.cs checks that the X-XSS-Protection has not been set to disable IE's XSS protection.
Release - XContentTypeOptionsScanner Check.Pasv.Header.MimeSniff.cs checks that the X-CONTENT-TYPE-OPTIONS has been set.
Release - InsecureAuthenticationScan [1] Check.Pasv.Header.WeakAuth.cs alerts when weak HTTP authentication protocols like Basic or Digest are used.
Beta - InformationDisclosureSuspiciousComments Check.Pasv.InformationDisclosure.Comments.cs checks for suspicious comments.
Release - InformationDisclosureDebugErrors Check.Pasv.InformationDisclosure.DatabaseErrors.cs checks for database error messages.
Release - InformationDisclosureDebugErrors Check.Pasv.InformationDisclosure.DebugErrors.cs checks for debugging error messages.
Beta - InformationDisclosureInURL Check.Pasv.InformationDisclosure.InUrl.cs checks for information disclosure in URL parameters.
Beta - InformationDisclosureReferrerScanner Check.Pasv.InformationDisclosure.ReferrerLeak.cs checks HTTP Referer header for information disclosure.
Release - InsecureJSFViewStatePassiveScanner Check.Pasv.Java.ViewState.cs checks JavaServer Faces for insecure ViewState.
Check.Pasv.Javascript.DomainLowering.cs checks JavaScript for domain lowering operations.
Check.Pasv.Javascript.Eval.cs checks JavaScript for use of eval() type methods.
Check.Pasv.SharePoint.DocLib.cs checks for insecure SharePoint document libraries.
Beta (Active) - CrossDomainScanner Check.Pasv.Silverlight.ClientAccessPolicy.cs checks Silverlight clientaccesspolicy.xml for insecure settings.
Check.Pasv.Silverlight.EnableHtmlAccess.cs checks Silverlight instantiation for insecure EnableHtmlAcess setting.
Check.Pasv.SSL.CertValidation.cs check for SSL certification validation errors.
Alpha - InsecureFormLoadScanner Check.Pasv.SSL.InsecureFormLoad.cs checks for SSL forms loaded on insecure pages.
Alpha - InsecureFormPostScanner Check.Pasv.SSL.InsecureFormPost.cs checks for SSL pages with form post to insecure page.
Check.Pasv.SSL.Version.cs tests if insecure versions of the SSL protocol are allowed.
Alpha - StrictTransportSecurityScanner Check.Pasv.SSL.StrictTransportSecurity.cs checks that the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP header is set on SSL pages.
Check.Pasv.Unicode.InvalidUTF8.cs checks inspects content bytes for invalid UTF8 sequences.
Alpha - UserControlledCharsetScanner Check.Pasv.UserControlled.Charset.cs checks for user-controlled charset values.
Alpha - UserControlledCookieScanner Check.Pasv.UserControlled.Cookie.cs checks for user-controlled cookie values.
Alpha - UserControlledHTMLAttributesScanner Check.Pasv.UserControlled.HtmlAttributes.cs checks for user-controlled HTML attribute values.
Alpha - UserControlledJavascriptEventScanner Check.Pasv.UserControlled.JavascriptEvent.cs checks for user-controlled javascript event values.
Check.Pasv.UserControlled.JavascriptProperty.cs checks for user-controlled javascript property values.
Alpha - UserControlledOpenRedirectScanner Check.Pasv.UserControlled.OpenRedirect.cs checks for user-controlled Open Redirects.

[1] See Issue 263 and Issue 262.

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