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Cache Remote Storage

Chris Lu edited this page Nov 7, 2021 · 4 revisions

After Mount Remote Storage, you can already read or write files in the mounted directory.

However, sometimes you want to have a command to warm up the file content directly, instead of lazy cache.

And sometimes you may want to reduce local storage usage, to uncache the file content.

Cache Mounted File Content

In weed shell, checkout remote.cache and remote.uncache:

> help remote.cache
  remote.cache	# cache the file content for mounted directories or files

	# assume a remote storage is configured to name "s3_1"
	remote.configure -name=s3_1 -type=s3 -s3.access_key=xxx -s3.secret_key=yyy
	# mount and pull one bucket
	remote.mount -dir=xxx -remote=s3_1/bucket

	# after mount, run one of these command to cache the content of the files
	remote.cache                     # cache on all mounted directories
	remote.cache -dir=/xxx
	remote.cache -dir=/xxx/some/sub/dir
	remote.cache -dir=/xxx/some/sub/dir -include=*.pdf
	remote.cache -dir=/xxx/some/sub/dir -exclude=*.txt
	remote.cache -maxSize=1024000    # cache files smaller than 100K
	remote.cache -maxAge=3600        # cache files less than 1 hour old

	This is designed to run regularly. So you can add it to some cronjob.
	If a file is already synchronized with the remote copy, the file will be skipped to avoid unnecessary copy.

	The actual data copying goes through volume severs in parallel.

> help remote.uncache
  remote.uncache	# keep the metadata but remote cache the file content for mounted directories or files

	This is designed to run regularly. So you can add it to some cronjob.
	If a file is not synchronized with the remote copy, the file will be skipped to avoid loss of data.

	remote.uncache                     # uncache on all mounted directories
	remote.uncache -dir=/xxx
	remote.uncache -dir=/xxx/some/sub/dir
	remote.uncache -dir=/xxx/some/sub/dir -include=*.pdf
	remote.uncache -dir=/xxx/some/sub/dir -exclude=*.txt
	remote.uncache -minSize=1024000    # uncache files larger than 100K
	remote.uncache -minAge=3600        # uncache files older than 1 hour


If you want some more flexibility to decide which file to cache or uncache, please help to send a PR.





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