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Konstantin Lebedev edited this page Feb 13, 2023 · 14 revisions

weed shell starts an interactive console to do some maintenance operations.

$ weed shell
> help
Type:	"help <command>" for help on <command>. Most commands support "<command> -h" also for options. 
  cluster.check                 	# check current cluster network connectivity                    	# check current cluster process status 
  cluster.raft.add              	# add a server to the raft cluster               	# check current raft cluster status 
  cluster.raft.remove           	# remove a server from the raft cluster 
  collection.delete             	# delete specified collection 
  collection.list               	# list all collections 
  ec.balance                    	# balance all ec shards among all racks and volume servers 
  ec.decode                     	# decode a erasure coded volume into a normal volume 
  ec.encode                     	# apply erasure coding to a volume 
  ec.rebuild                    	# find and rebuild missing ec shards among volume servers                        	# stream the file content on to the screen                         	# change directory to a directory /path/to/dir 
  fs.configure                  	# configure and apply storage options for each location 
  fs.du                         	# show disk usage                         	# list all files under a directory                   	# print out the meta data content for a file or directory 
  fs.meta.changeVolumeId        	# change volume id in existing metadata. 
  fs.meta.load                  	# load saved filer meta data to restore the directory and file structure 
  fs.meta.notify                	# recursively send directory and file meta data to notification message queue                  	# save all directory and file meta data to a local file for metadata backup. 
  fs.mkdir                      	# create a directory                         	# move or rename a file or a folder 
  fs.pwd                        	# print out current directory 
  fs.rm                         	# remove file and directory entries 
  fs.tree                       	# recursively list all files under a directory 
  fs.verify                     	# recursively verify all files under a directory 
  lock                          	# lock in order to exclusively manage the cluster 
  mount.configure               	# configure the mount on current server 
  mq.topic.list                 	# print out all topics 
  remote.cache                  	# cache the file content for mounted directories or files 
  remote.configure              	# remote storage configuration 
  remote.meta.sync              	# synchronize the local file meta data with the remote file metadata 
  remote.mount                  	# mount remote storage and pull its metadata 
  remote.mount.buckets          	# mount all buckets in remote storage and pull its metadata 
  remote.uncache                	# keep the metadata but remote cache the file content for mounted directories or files 
  remote.unmount                	# unmount remote storage 
  s3.bucket.create              	# create a bucket with a given name 
  s3.bucket.delete              	# delete a bucket by a given name 
  s3.bucket.list                	# list all buckets 
  s3.bucket.quota               	# set/remove/enable/disable quota for a bucket 
  s3.bucket.quota.enforce       	# check quota for all buckets, make the bucket read only if over the limit 
  s3.circuitBreaker             	# configure and apply s3 circuit breaker options for each bucket 
  s3.clean.uploads              	# clean up stale multipart uploads 
  s3.configure                  	# configure and apply s3 options for each bucket 
  unlock                        	# unlock the cluster-wide lock 
  volume.balance                	# balance all volumes among volume servers 
  volume.check.disk             	# check all replicated volumes to find and fix inconsistencies. It is optional and resource intensive. 
  volume.configure.replication  	# change volume replication value 
  volume.copy                   	# copy a volume from one volume server to another volume server 
  volume.delete                 	# delete a live volume from one volume server 
  volume.deleteEmpty            	# delete empty volumes from all volume servers 
  volume.fix.replication        	# add or remove replicas to volumes that are missing replicas or over-replicated 
  volume.fsck                   	# check all volumes to find entries not used by the filer 
  volume.list                   	# list all volumes 
  volume.mark                   	# Mark volume writable or readonly from one volume server 
  volume.mount                  	# mount a volume from one volume server 
  volume.move                   	# move a live volume from one volume server to another volume server          	# download the dat file of a volume from a remote tier 
  volume.tier.move              	# change a volume from one disk type to another 
  volume.tier.upload            	# upload the dat file of a volume to a remote tier 
  volume.unmount                	# unmount a volume from one volume server 
  volume.vacuum                 	# compact volumes if deleted entries are more than the limit 
  volume.vacuum.disable         	# disable vacuuming request from Master, however volume.vacuum still works. 
  volume.vacuum.enable          	# enable vacuuming request from Master 
  volumeServer.evacuate         	# move out all data on a volume server 
  volumeServer.leave            	# stop a volume server from sending heartbeats to the master 

For example:

$ weed shell
> fs.du /objects
block:2715	byte:  31895432	/objects

For most volume operations, you would need to prevent other possible concurrent operations. To do so, lock this way:

> lock
> volume.fix.replication
> volume.mount ...
> ...
> unlock

Another example: sometimes one of your volume server may go down, and a new volume server is added. Here is the command you can run to fix volumes that are under replicated:

# check any volume that are under replicated, and there are servers that meet the replica placement requirement
$ echo "lock; volume.fix.replication -n ; unlock" | weed shell
replicating volume 241 001 from localhost:8080 to dataNode ...

# found one, let's really do it
$ echo "lock; volume.fix.replication ; unlock" | weed shell
replicating volume 241 001 from localhost:8080 to dataNode ...

# all volumes are replicated now
$ echo "lock; volume.fix.replication -n ; unlock" | weed shell
no under replicated volumes

Check and Fix chunks replication

if use see in logs filechunk 2480,09a6290e6159aedd Not Found:

I0212 22:22:56.666094 filechunk_manifest.go:197 read http://fast-volume-1:8080/2480,09a6290e6159aedd failed, err: http://fast-volume-1:8080/2480,09a6290e6159aedd?readDeleted=true: 404 Not Found
  1. volume.check.disk
> lock; volume.check.disk -v -force -slow -volumeId 2480 -nonRepairThreshold 1 -syncDeleted
load collection logs-data volume 2480 index size 2621232 from fast-volume-3:8080 ...
load collection logs-data volume 2480 index size 2621232 from fast-volume-1:8080 ...
volume 2480 fast-volume-1:8080 has 163827 entries, fast-volume-3:8080 missed 0 and partially deleted 0 entries
volume 2480 fast-volume-3:8080 has 163827 entries, fast-volume-1:8080 missed 0 and partially deleted 0 entries
  1. volume.fsck Search for files that are in the filler, but there are no chunks on the volume servers
lock;volume.fsck -findMissingChunksInFiler -verifyNeedles -collection logs-data -volumeId 2480 -v
checking directory /buckets/logs-data/2023-02-13
total 128 directories, 5148091 files
find missing file chunks in dataNodeId fast-volume-1:8080 volume 2480 ...
find missing file chunks in dataNodeId fast-volume-3:8080 volume 2480 ...

Find the chunk id 2480,09a6290e6159aedd:

> /buckets/logs-data/2022-10-10/39228128_2022-10-10.log
  "name":  "39228128_2022-10-10.log",
  "isDirectory":  false,
  "chunks":  [
      "fileId":  "2480,09a6290e6159aedd",
      "offset":  "0",
      "size":  "3884",
      "modifiedTsNs":  "1665409412570272776",
      "eTag":  "O5jilriNGhfJRBCCs+yU4g==",
      "sourceFileId":  "",
      "fid":  {
        "volumeId":  2480,
        "fileKey":  "161884430",
        "cookie":  1633267421
      "sourceFid":  null,
      "cipherKey":  "",
      "isCompressed":  false,
      "isChunkManifest":  false
  "attributes":  {
    "fileSize":  "3884",
    "mtime":  "1665409412",
    "fileMode":  504,
    "uid":  0,
    "gid":  0,
    "crtime":  "1665409412",
    "mime":  "",
    "ttlSec":  0,
    "userName":  "",
    "groupName":  [],
    "symlinkTarget":  "",
    "md5":  "",
    "rdev":  0,
    "inode":  "0"
  "extended":  {},
  "hardLinkId":  "",
  "hardLinkCounter":  0,
  "content":  "",
  "remoteEntry":  null,
  "quota":  "0"
}chunks 1 meta size: 124 gzip:152
  1. fs.verify Check the status of all chunks uploaded in the last hour:
fs.verify -v -modifyTimeAgo 1h
total 807944 directories, 121461080 files
verified 53218 files, error 0 files 

In this case, you need a local incremental backup via asynchronous replication.

One more trick

You can skip the "fs." prefix, for all "fs.*" commands:

> ls
> ls -al topics
drwxr-xr-x   0 chrislu staff      0 /topics/.system
total 1

> fs.du
block: 515	byte:10039099653	/
> du
block: 515	byte:10039099653	/

Run from Docker Image

weed shell commands can also be run via the docker image, allowing an operator to perform maintenance commands.

docker run \
  --rm \
  -e SHELL_FILER=localhost:8888 \
  -e SHELL_MASTER=localhost:9333 \
  chrislusf/seaweedfs:local \
  "shell" \
  "fs.configure -locationPrefix=/buckets/foo -volumeGrowthCount=3 -replication=002 -apply"

Here shell selects the Docker image entrypoint.

The arguments are fs.configure -locationPrefix=/buckets/foo -volumeGrowthCount=3 -replication=002 -apply





Advanced Filer Configurations

Cloud Drive



Machine Learning


Replication and Backup


Use Cases




Misc Use Case Examples

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