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monchickey edited this page Jan 7, 2023 · 20 revisions

You can append to any HTTP API with &pretty=y to see a formatted json output.

Volume Server Reads

GET/HEAD operations are direction http requests to file ids, e.g.,,01637037d6.

URL Parameter Description Default
readDeleted if "true", possibly read a deleted file. Does not work if volume server is restarted or the volume is compacted. false
width if the stored file has ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", apply resizing empty
height if the stored file has ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", apply resizing empty
mode if resizing, "fit", or "fill". Or just resizing, unless width==height, which default to thumbnail mode empty
crop_x1 if the stored file has ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", apply cropping, requires: 0 <= value < image width empty
crop_y1 if the stored file has ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", apply cropping, requires: 0 <= value < image height empty
crop_x2 if the stored file has ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", apply cropping, requires: crop_x1 < value <= image width empty
crop_y2 if the stored file has ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", apply cropping, requires: crop_y1 < value <= image height empty
Request Header Description Default
Authorization Json Web Token for reads issued by master empty
Range for http range request, support multiple ranges empty
If-Modified-Since format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT", if not modified, return StatusNotModified 304 empty
If-None-Match if matches the ETag, return StatusNotModified 304 empty
Accept-Encoding: gzip compress response by gzip empty

Volume Server Writes

Upload File

curl -F file=@/home/chris/myphoto.jpg,01637037d6
{"size": 43234}

The size returned is the size stored on SeaweedFS, sometimes the file is automatically gzipped based on the file extension or mime type (see when compression will be applied automatically).

URL Parameter Description Default
fsync if "true", the write will incur an fsync operation false
type if "replicate", this is a replicated request, so the writes will not be replicated to other volume servers empty
ts modification timestamp in epoch seconds empty
cm content is a chunk manifest file empty
Request Header Description Default
Content-Encoding: gzip the uploaded content is already compressed to gzip empty
Content-Type use the specified content type "application/octet-stream"
Content-MD5 verify the uploaded content by MD5. MD5 digest needs to be encoded as base64 string. empty
Authorization Json Web Token for writes issued by master empty
Seaweed-xxxxx Any key-value pair with custom Seaweed- prefix. All the custom key-value data are stored as json, should be less than 64KB. The key will trim out the Seaeweed- prefix and then convert into a canonical header key. See empty

Upload File Directly

curl -F file=@/home/chris/myphoto.jpg http://localhost:9333/submit

This API is just for convenience. The master server would get a file id and store the file to the right volume server. It is a convenient API and does not support different parameters when assigning file id. (or you can add the support and make a pull request.)

Delete File

curl -X DELETE,01637037d6

View Manifest File Content for chunked big file


Check Volume Server Status

curl "http://localhost:8080/status?pretty=y"
  "Version": "0.34",
  "Volumes": [
      "Id": 1,
      "Size": 1319688,
      "RepType": "000",
      "Version": 2,
      "FileCount": 276,
      "DeleteCount": 0,
      "DeletedByteCount": 0,
      "ReadOnly": false
      "Id": 2,
      "Size": 1040962,
      "RepType": "000",
      "Version": 2,
      "FileCount": 291,
      "DeleteCount": 0,
      "DeletedByteCount": 0,
      "ReadOnly": false
      "Id": 3,
      "Size": 1486334,
      "RepType": "000",
      "Version": 2,
      "FileCount": 301,
      "DeleteCount": 2,
      "DeletedByteCount": 0,
      "ReadOnly": false
      "Id": 4,
      "Size": 8953592,
      "RepType": "000",
      "Version": 2,
      "FileCount": 320,
      "DeleteCount": 2,
      "DeletedByteCount": 0,
      "ReadOnly": false
      "Id": 5,
      "Size": 70815851,
      "RepType": "000",
      "Version": 2,
      "FileCount": 309,
      "DeleteCount": 1,
      "DeletedByteCount": 0,
      "ReadOnly": false
      "Id": 6,
      "Size": 1483131,
      "RepType": "000",
      "Version": 2,
      "FileCount": 301,
      "DeleteCount": 1,
      "DeletedByteCount": 0,
      "ReadOnly": false
      "Id": 7,
      "Size": 46797832,
      "RepType": "000",
      "Version": 2,
      "FileCount": 292,
      "DeleteCount": 0,
      "DeletedByteCount": 0,
      "ReadOnly": false





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