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tenbob edited this page Dec 4, 2020 · 2 revisions

Sorting columns

  • It is now possible to sort by multiple columns in the Browse Data tab. You can configure any number of sort keys. Their order will appear in the column headers.

  • Simply clicking a column header resets any old sort orders and sorts by just the clicked column. To add another sort key hold the Ctrl / cmd key while clicking the column header. Holding the Ctrl / cmd key and clicking a column header which is already in the list of columns for sorting changes the sort order of that column.


  • All the columns used for sorting are stored in your Project Files.

Resizing columns

By default, columns are automatically resized to fit column headings and contents, up to a maximum. You can individually alter the column width dragging the column edge. You can double click the column resize bar to automatically size the column to fit the column heading and contents, ignoring the maximum limit used by default.


You can highlight multiple columns (they have to be adjacent, not non-adjacent columns) and double click the column resize bar, but this will have the effect of resizing all columns to the size of the column you double-clicked on, which isn't perfect, so select the largest column.

You can highlight all columns by clicking the square to the left of the first column.


Once all your columns have the desired width, you can use the "Save Project" feature for saving this setting for later loading.

Highlighting multiple columns

To highlight a group of adjacent columns you can use the context menu that appears when you right-click on a column header. Put the cursor on the header of the first column and choose "Select column" from the context menu. Then move to the last column, hold down Shift and do the same.

Another way to highlight multiple columns is to use the shortcut Ctrl+Space. Start by highlighting a group of cells in the data area that span the columns required. Then type Ctrl+Space. The highlight changes to whole columns.

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