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Manuel edited this page Aug 1, 2023 · 3 revisions

This feature allows the user to change the data in the Browse Data tab on a per-column basis before displaying it. This means even though the data is stored in format X in the database it can be shown in format Y in the browser. This should be useful in cases where the original format X is hard to read or just not useful in a particular case.

For activating the display format, you have to right-click on the header of a column.

Select "Edit display format" to open a dialog which offers a (limited) list of pre-defined formats.

Select the desired display format from the list.

Click OK and the selected format is then applied to the display of the column.

Some considerations have to be taken into account when using display formats:

  • Data is not editable (or only via the Edit Dialog) because it isn't transformed back yet.
  • Display format customization is supported starting version 3.12.0 (issue #573).
  • There is no indication in the UI for which columns a format has been set. (issue #3404)
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