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Source code highlights

Iulian Onofrei edited this page Oct 12, 2016 · 1 revision

This page is intended for high-level source code parts explanations.

Project files saving/loading

All project related code is defined in MainWindow.

There is a data structure called BrowseDataTableSettings defined in the header file, which is used to store all sort of things. We have a map named browseTableSettings defined in the header file too, which maps one table to one of these structs; so there is an instance of this struct for each table.

This map is just stored as-is in the project files. The loading code takes place in the loadProject method and the saving code takes place in the saveProject method, and we use the operator<< and operator>> for these. These operators are overloaded in the header file as friend functions. So in short, as long as the information is stored in the browseTableSettings map, all you need to do update are the operator<< and operator>> functions and it will also be written to the project files.

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