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David Cook edited this page Apr 2, 2024 · 3 revisions

We use Dependabot to automatically create PRs for updating Ruby gems or JS packages.

Sometimes, these updates will cause a problem in the application, which will result in failed tests. A developer will need to investigate to find out why it has failed, and work out how to fix it.

How to

  1. Choose a PR and review the information in the description. Find out what the gem/package is for, and what has changed. (Dependabot usually provides a list of changes, but sometimes you will have to follow the links to find out more information).
  2. Check failing specs.
    • Scroll to bottom of PR and find the tests with a red ❌ next to them. Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 10 59 15 am
    • Click on 'details' and find the error message in the logs, for example: Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 11 00 54 am
  3. Attempt to fix the problem
    • If it is a complex issue, or may require a change to functionality, first provide your diagnosis and request feedback by mentioning @openfoodfoundation/developers.
    • You'll need to create the branch in your forked repo, and create a new PR. Please reference the original PR ID in the description.
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