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Design styleguide: fonts and text styles

mariocarabotta edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 1 revision

Fonts and text styles

The primary font used should always be Open Sans. We have decided to stick to using pixels and not rems because of the risk of having to refactor multiple pages in trying to transition to a different size system. So let's keep pixels.

Default body size is 14px. General rule is to try to work with that first, also playing with different weights, and only if for some reason that's not good, move to a different size.

Type Size desktop Used for
Body 14px Body text, Secondary top menu, Main button label, Table titles, Table text, Pagination labels, Text/search/dropdown fields
H1 24px Page titles
Highlight text 16px This is an alternative for when body text is not big enough - Primary top menu, loading state for whole page, empty and error states for whole page
Caption 12px Text/search/dropdown titles, Text/search/dropdown error messages, hint texts and counters
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