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Feature template (epic)

Myriam edited this page Dec 21, 2017 · 2 revisions

When a icebox item (Discourse) has been prioritized and moved to product development backlog (Discourse), it then goes through a brainstorming session where feature candidates are listed and mapped on a value matrix. As a result, a feature candidate is selected.

When that is done, a PO will create an epic in GitHub for that selected feature and list it into the project "Product Feature Backlog", first column ("Selected feature backlog").

This template describes what should be in this epic.

## What is the problem we are solving 
<!-- Describe the problem this feature is supposed to solve. Should be described in the icebox item (in Discourse). -->

## Success factors = expected outcome 
<!-- Describe what is the expected outcome: when the feature is released, what would it look like? What will make you say "the problem is solved"? Can be metrics like "Platform has less than 1% service interruption", or yes/no statements like "People can checkout on mobiles. -->

## Useful information for inception
<!-- List here any information that can be useful for the inception stage. -->

## Link to the "Product Development - Backlog" item in Discourse
<!-- Put the link here, and put this epic link in the Discourse item as well for cross-referencing. -->
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