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Tech Doc: Orders and Adjustments updates

Luis Ramos edited this page Apr 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Updating adjustments can be a bit tricky in Spree due to a web of callbacks. Adjustments can be in three different states (simplified): open, closed and finalised. An adjustment can be updated either open or closed.

But when an adjustment is associated to an order, and update triggers the after_save callback update_adjustable which calls update! on the order and that eventually triggers a reset of the adjustment unless it's closed. Here is the rough call trace:

  1. adjustment.update_attributes triggers adjustable.update!.
  2. Order#update! triggers the Spree::OrderUpdater.
  3. The updater updates all shipments and adjustments.
  4. Adjustment#update! doesn't do anything if the adjustment is closed.
  5. When the adjustment is open, originator.update_adjustment is called.
  6. ShippingMethod#Adjustment recalculates the amount and calls adjustment.update_attribute_without_callbacks(:amount, compute_amount(calculable)).

All this is Spree code. It's not something we accidentally caused with OFN overrides. So Spree defines this way:

  • Open shipping adjustments are always recalculated -> can't be changed to a custom value.
  • Closed shipping adjustments are not recalculated -> can be changed to a custom value.
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