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2023.10.19 Meeting Notes

Philipp Grete edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 3 revisions


Individual/group updates


  • GMG was planned to be merged BUT discovered an issue with MPI and AMR
  • Running on different ranks results in different results. Now into debugging -- likely related to reusing comm buffers.
  • PR for cleanup GMG example and separating solver interface ready for review


  • working through long KHARMA backlog related to restructuring (PEP1, bound conditions, ...)
  • found AMR bug (but currently expected to be an issue inside KHARMA)


  • fixed -d bug for creating directories


  • while working on AthenaPK, came across API issue, raising question on forward compatibility (see discussion below)
  • trying to add FPE traps, but those don't work for MacOS. Will open PR that works on other architectures


  • INCITE runs are going well (finally) though analysis is tough given the data volume
  • added in-situ histograms and "analysis restarts" to Parthenon to mitigate some of the analysis issue (with Ascent, Paraview, and yt)
  • PRs are ready for review though the "analysis restart" should be considered PEPish, so more a discussion with an example implementation

API forward compatibility

  • PG didn't properly communicate API breaking changes when updating AthenaPK to latest Parthenon
  • This raised a discussion on fixing the API and release cycles
  • Tentative results of the discussion (to be revisited at the next meeting)
    • Parthenon is still evolving and we do not want to force ourselves in maintaining an API that is incompatible with a new feature
    • we should make tagged releases roughly every 6 months and keep the API stable in between
    • to keep the overhead small, we could add automated downstream compatibility tests (literally, continuous "integration") so flag PRs that break downstream codes
    • when releasing the API breaking changes should be well documented so that downstream codes can easily adjust

Next meeting tentatively 2 Nov

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