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Release testing instructions for WC Payments 3.6.0

Miguel Gasca edited this page Jan 19, 2022 · 15 revisions

Initiate transactions export in server via download button


  • It would be best to run these tests last as it requires having completed transactions on the connected account.

Expected outcome

When the total number of WCPay transactions is less than or equal to the number of visible transactions in the transactions list, an export will immediately be downloaded. Otherwise, if the transactions list is filtered, OR the total number of transactions exceeds the number of visible transactions in the transactions list, an async export will be emailed to the merchant.

Testing instructions

Browser Exports
  • Ensure there are between 1 and 100 WCPay transactions completed on the connected account
  • Via WP-Admin go to Payments > Transactions
  • Expand the number of rows in the list to 100, then click the download button
  • Ensure a CSV containing the transactions listed in the table view immediately downloads
Endpoint Exports (< 10000 Transactions)
  • Access the following JN test site: (login details will be provided by release lead)
  • Via WP-Admin go to Payments > Transactions
  • Expand the number of rows in the list to 100, then click the download button
  • Ensure a notification appears indicating an export will be emailed to the email address associated with the WCPay connected account.
Endpoint Exports (> 10000 Transactions)

As there are currently no test accounts containing > 10000 transactions, it's not possible to test this case.

Fix for unable to checkout using Google Pay when logged in


  • This issue is ideal for exploratory testing to ensure there are no other scenarios for GPay saved cards which cause user to not be able to checkout.

Expected outcome

Able to checkout using Google Pay.

Testing instructions

  1. Log into
  2. Make sure the card saved is missing the billing address name which is optional in Google Pay but mandatory in WooCommerce
  3. Attempt to purchase a product via the branded "G Pay" button.

Test Checkout Flows

This update to WCPay includes a change which refactored some logic in the checkout flow. While this has no effect on actual functionality, we'd like to ensure the flows all still work as expected.

For all flows, please test with one of the Stripe test cards. (e.g. 4242 4242 4242 4242)

  1. Go to Payments > Settings and ensure the new checkout experience is enabled.
  2. Order a normal product on the store as a new customer (use an incognito browser window for this).
  3. Order a subscription product on the store as a new customer (use an incognito browser window for this).
  4. Order a normal product on the store as an existing customer, using a new payment method and ticking the 'save this payment method' box.
  5. Order a subscription product on the store as an existing customer, using a new payment method and ticking the 'save this payment method' box.
  6. Order a normal product on the store as an existing customer, using a saved payment method.
  7. Order a subscription product on the store as an existing customer, using a saved payment method.

Next, please go to Payments > Settings, and disable the New Checkout Experience by clicking on the three dots icon next to 'Payments', and click 'Disable' and then confirm via the model and then repeat these tests.

After ensuring each flow worked correctly (the order should be made, and the user should be taken to the order success page afterwards), please check the following:

  • Check each order that was created in WC Admin
  • Ensure that the order has a status of either Processing or Completed (depending on whether it was a physical or digital product the status may vary, but it should be one of those two statuses).
  • Check the order notes, ensure there is a note which says that a payment was successfully authorized/charged using WooCommerce Payments with a charge ID, it should appear similar to the following:
A payment of $15.00 USD was successfully charged using WooCommerce Payments (ch_XXXXXXXXXXX).
  • Go to the Transactions page and verify there is a corresponding transaction which links to each order.

Fix for UPE Checkout Issue

  • Ensure the new checkout experience is turned on in Payments > Settings
  • Make an order, as a new customer using a 3D Secure card, such as: 4000000000003220
  • Approve the 3D Secure Transaction to complete the order.
  • Verify that the order completes successfully and the order confirmation screen is shown
  • Go to WP Admin, locate the order on the Orders page, and check that the order is refundable by clicking 'Refund' and verifying the 'Refund $X.XX using WooCommerce Payments' button appears.
  • Go to Payments > Transactions, ensure a transaction appears which corresponds to this order (it should have the order ID present)

Please repeat this test a few times, as the issue we have fixed in this version of WCPay was intermittent and didn't happen every time an order was made.

Minimum Subscription Product price warning and checkout notice


In this release, we've introduced better UX around minimum subscription transaction amounts.

  • For this test, please ensure the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension is not active. The Subscriptions with WooCommerce Payments feature should be enabled under Payments > Settings > Advanced Settings

Expected outcomes

  • When creating a new subscription product you should be presented with a warning when entering a price that doesn't meet the minimum recurring transaction limit (e.g. $0.20).
  • When purchasing a subscription product on the checkout, if the subscription total is less than the minimum amount allowed for the connected store, the customer will now see an error on the checkout.

Testing instructions

  1. Make sure WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin is deactivated.
  2. Enable Subscriptions with WooCommerce Payments setting found under Payments > Settings > Advanced Settings and then save the settings.
  3. Go to Products > Add New to create a new Product and set the Product Type set to Simple Subscription
  4. In the Subscription price ($) field, enter 0.20.
  5. Below the price field you should see a new warning mentioning that this price is below the minimum recurring amount allowed.
  6. Keep 0.20 as the Subscriptions price, give the product a name, set the product to be virtual, set the Tax Status to "none", and Publish (create) the product.
  7. Add this Subscription product to your cart along with another non-subscription product and complete the checkout.
  8. Because the subscription being created total doesn't meet the minimum recurring transaction amount, you should see an error on the checkout.

Pagination for Disputes table


Summary information and pagination controls have been added to the Disputes table. (screenshot below)

Screen Shot 2021-12-26 at 19 20 18

Expected outcome

When there are more disputes than can be displayed on a single page in the table, pagination controls appear that let one view the remaining disputes. The controls should include: previous and next page buttons, go to page field, rows per page dropdown, and total disputes count.

Testing instructions

  1. Add a number of orders with disputes greater than the rows per page defined for the disputes table. This number is by default set to 25. Alternatively, you can use the per_page query parameter to set a smaller number eg. http://localhost:8082/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fpayments%2Fdisputes&paged=1&per_page=10
  2. You can use Stripe's test cards to pay for the orders. Using one of these cards will generate a dispute after the order is paid.
  3. Observe that the pagination controls appear at the bottom of the table.
  4. Check that the pagination controls work as expected (navigate to next/ prev page, go to page number, select rows per page)
  5. Observe that the total number of Disputes is displayed at the bottom of the table

Fix for "Fees" column values are different in the downloaded CSV file for the transaction table

Expected outcome

In Transactions list, the "Fees" column in the downloaded CSV file shows the same amount as the "Fees" column in the table.

Testing instructions

  1. Go to frontend and purchase some products with WooCommerce payments.
  2. Go to WP admin, Payments->Transactions.
  3. Click on download icon.
  4. Observe that "Fees" column values are the same in the downloaded CSV file and in the table.
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