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Release testing instructions for WC Payments 6.1.0

Timur Karimov edited this page Jun 23, 2023 · 6 revisions

Adding support for 3 new countries in WC Payments

In this new version of WC Payments (6.1.0), we are adding support for 3 new countries:

  • Czech Republic (with currency CZK - Czech Koruna)
  • Hungary (with currency HUF - Hungarian Forint)
  • Sweden (with currency SEK - Swedish Krona)

Please make sure to run the following testing scenario for each country.

  1. Create a new site with WooCommerce Payments plugin installed, and complete the setup wizard (KYC flow) using the current country address as a store address
  2. After KYC flow completion go to Payments > Settings page to confirm the account is created and its status displayed.
  3. Before starting tests, double check the currency is set correctly for each country. If not, go to WooCommerce > Settings > General and change the currency.
  4. Please make sure the store has multi-currency enabled and EUR is one of the currencies.
  5. Please make sure the store has a currency widget to change currencies when shopping. If not, please add one from Appearance > Widgets. Click the + button and search for "currency switcher block". Place it on the page and save the changes
  6. Now go to Payments > Settings page, and make sure all these payment methods are displayed for each country: Card payments, iDEAL, Bancontact, EPS, P24, Giropay, and SEPA.
  7. Turn these payment methods on by selecting the checkbox near each method. Scroll down and click Save.
  8. Open the store/website and make sure you're selecting the country's currency from the dropdown and add a product to the cart.
  9. Pay for your order using a test card like 4242424242424242.
  10. Once the order is completed, go to Payments > Transactions screen in WP Admin and make sure the transaction is showing correctly.
  11. Back to the store, change your currency to EUR this time and add a new product to your cart. (This is not necessary for Croatia given the currency is already EUR)
  12. On the checkout page, make sure payment methods like iDeal, SEPA, etc are showing and you can select one. Pick one of these payment methods (other than card) and pay for the order.
  13. Once the order is completed, go to Payments > Transactions screen in WP Admin and make sure the transaction is showing correctly.
  14. Now, back to the store, add a product to the cart, and head to the checkout screen. Now pay using the card 4000000000000259 to trigger a dispute.
  15. Navigate to Payments > Disputes in WP Admin and make sure the dispute is showing correctly.
  16. That's it. This process can be repeated for another country now.

Remove Google Pay/Apple Pay button on zero balance owed carts

  • Login with your Google account in Chrome browser
  • Go to, and in the Payment Methods section add a credit card with a US address.
  • Go to Woocommerce -> Settings -> Express checkout and enable Apple Pay / Google Pay
  • Add a product with price 0
  • Go to product page. Google Pay button shouldn't be shown.
  • Add the 0 price product in cart. Check cart and checkout page. Google Pay should not be shown
  • Add a shipping fee. Google Pay should appear.

Adding split UPE with deferred intent creation support for Blocks checkout


  1. Enable Split UPE checkout with deferred intent creation using the WCPay Dev Tools.
  2. Ensure the currency is set to EUR on the merchant store

Credit card checkout

  1. Add a simple product to the cart, checkout using Blocks checkout, and default credit card
  2. Confirm you are successfully redirected to the order received page
  3. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Orders and confirm that the last order has the status Processing

Credit card saving

  1. Ensure you act as a logged-in shopper
  2. Add a simple product to the cart, checkout using Blocks checkout, and default credit card
  3. Before placing an order, check the checkbox to save the payment method for future payments. When checkbox is checked, confirm that the terms are shown above the checkbox (terms start with By providing your card information, you allow...).
  4. Confirm you are successfully redirected to the order received page
  5. Navigate to My account -> Payment methods and confirm the previously saved card appears on the list
  6. Repeat step 1. but use the saved credit card to place an order
  7. Confirm you are successfully redirected to the order received page
  8. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Orders and confirm that the last order has the status Processing

Checking out with UPE payment methods

  1. As a merchant, enable as many UPE methods from the admin panel (Payments -> Settings) as possible
  2. Log in as a shopper, add a simple product to the cart, and navigate to Blocks checkout
  3. Perform the checkout in Blocks for every non-card method available. If you have e.g., giropay, eps, Bancontact, iDEAL enabled, make sure four separate checkouts were performed with each UPE method being used as a payment method. Complete authentication if it's required for any of the UPE methods.
  4. For each payment method separately, confirm you are successfully redirected to the order received page
  5. For each payment method separately, navigate to WooCommerce -> Orders and confirm that the last order has the status Processing

Checking out with 3D Secure card

  1. As a shopper, add a simple product to the cart, and navigate to Blocks checkout
  2. Checkout with 3DS (4000002760003184) and confirm that the bank authentication pop-up modal appears on the screen.
  3. Fail authentication in the pop-up modal window and confirm that the error notice is shown to the user on the checkout page after the transaction failure (We are unable to authenticate your payment method. Please choose a different payment method and try again.)
  4. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Orders and confirm that the latest order is in status Failed
  5. Checkout with Blocks and 3DS 4000002760003184 card again, but authorize/complete the transaction this time in the pop-up modal window.
  6. Confirm you were navigated successfully to the order received page
  7. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Orders and confirm that the latest order (which was in status Failed in step 4.) has Processing status now

Buying subscriptions in Blocks

  1. Add a subscription to the cart and proceed to the Blocks checkout
  2. Purchase the subscription and ensure you were successfully redirected to the order received page
  3. Add and activate the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin
  4. As merchant, in the admin panel go to WooCommerce -> Subscriptions and then to the details of the latest subscription
  5. On the subscription details page, there's Subscription actions area on the right side - click Choose an action -> Process renewal and click Update
  6. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Orders and confirm that the latest Order has the status Processing and relates to the subscription you just renewed (go to Order details and confirm there's that subscription mentioned)

Fix for the legacy UPE - the correct payment method is mentioned in the order email

  1. Activate WP Mail Logging plugin on your site - it should help you verify the effects of the fix

  2. Enable UPE checkout (legacy) using WCPay Dev Tools

  3. Add a product to the cart and proceed to shortcode checkout

  4. Complete checkout using the default credit card (4242424242424242)

  5. As merchant, navigate to WP Mail Logging in the admin panel on the left

  6. You'll see two emails

  7. For each of the emails, click the below-shown icon image

  8. In the email message, confirm that Visa credit card is shown as payment method image

  9. Perform steps 3-8 but use another payment method (e.g. giropay) when placing the order

  10. Confirm that for giropay, it's also successfully shown in the email message (step 8)

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