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Determining EFI system partition location

not-a-kiwi edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 2 revisions


If you've received the error Unable to determine EFI system partition location this means that the fwupd daemon could not programattically detect the location of the EFI system partition (ESP).

A writable, valid ESP is required for fwupd to be able to perform UEFI capsule updates.


This error is commonly caused by the following scenarios:

  • EFI system partition is not mounted
  • EFI system partition is not mounted read-write
  • EFI system partition is not mounted in recognized common paths (/boot, /boot/efi, or /esp)
  • EFI system partition is formatted an unrecognized filesystem
  • EFI system partition is marked as the wrong type, it should be EFI System
  • EFI system partition is corrupt


Uncommon paths

If your EFI system partition is mounted in an uncommon path, you will need to modify the option OverrideESPMountPoint in /etc/fwupd/uefi.conf to the correct mount point for your installation. Restart the daemon after making this change:

For regular installation:

# systemctl restart fwupd.service

For a snap installation:

# systemctl restart snap.fwupd.fwupd.service

Not mounted or not mounted read-write

Check that your ESP mountpoint is documented is in /etc/fstab and configured to mount automatically. If it's not present, then place it in this file and restart your system.

Wrong ESP selected

If you have multiple EFI system partitions in your system fwupd will try to guess which to use. If the wrong one is used, you will need to modify the option OverrideESPMountPoint in /etc/fwupd/uefi.conf to the correct mount point for your installation.

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