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fix(deps): update dependency nuxt to v3.5.0 (#21)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [nuxt]( | [`3.4.2` ->
`3.5.0`]( |


### Release Notes


### [`v3.5.0`](

[Compare Source](

> 3.5.0 is a minor (feature) release with lots of new features to play

#### 👀 Highlights

##### ⚡️ Vue 3.3 released!

Vue 3.3 has been released, with lots of exciting features, particularly
around type support. This also brings a significant improvement to data
fetching when navigating between nested pages
thanks to [@&#8203;antfu]( and

-   new `defineOptions` macro
-   'generic' components
-   typed slots and using external types in defineProps
-   ... and more

Read **[the full release
announcement](** for more details.

##### 🙌 Nitropack v2.4

We've been working on lots of improvements to Nitro and these have
landed already in Nitro v2.4 - you may already have this upgrade, which
contains a lot of bug fixes, updates to the module worker format for
Cloudflare, Vercel KV support and more.

One note: if you're deploying to Vercel or Netlify and want to benefit
from incremental static regeneration, you should now update your route

routeRules: {
--  '/blog/**': { swr: 3000 },
++  '/blog/**': { isr: 3000 },

Read **[the full release

##### 💖 New defaults

**Rich JSON payload serialisation** is now enabled by default
This is both faster and allows serialising complex objects in the
payload passed from the Nuxt server to client (and also when extracting
payload data for prerendered sites).

This now means that **various rich JS types are supported
out-of-the-box**: regular expressions, dates, Map and Set and BigInt as
well as NuxtError - and Vue-specific objects like `ref`, `reactive`,
`shallowRef` and `shallowReactive`.

You can find [an
in our test suite.

This is all possible due to
For a long time, Nuxt has been using our own fork of devalue owing to
issues serialising Errors and other non-POJO objects, but we now have
transitioned back to the original.

You can even register your own custom types with a new object-syntax
Nuxt plugin:

```ts [plugins/custom-payload-type.ts]
export default definePayloadPlugin(() => {
  definePayloadReducer('BlinkingText', data => data === '<original-blink>' && '_')
  definePayloadReviver('BlinkingText', () => '<revivified-blink>')

You can read more about how this works

##### 🛝 Interactive server components

This feature should be considered highly experimental, but thanks to
some great work from
[@&#8203;huang-julien]( we now support
interactive content within server components via *slots*

You can follow the server component roadmap at

##### ⏰ Environment config

You can now configure fully typed, per-environment overrides in your

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  $production: {
    routeRules: {
      '/**': { isr: true }
  $development: {

If you're authoring layers, you can also use the `$meta` key to provide
metadata that you or the consumers of your layer might use.

Read more:

##### 💪 Fully typed pages

You can benefit from fully typed routing within your Nuxt app via this
experimental integration with - thanks to some great work
from [@&#8203;posva](! Out of the box, this
will enable typed usage of `navigateTo`, `<NuxtLink>`, `router.push()`
and more. You can even get typed params within a page by using `const
route = useRoute('route-name')`.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  experimental: {
    typedPages: true

##### 🔎 'Bundler' module resolution

We now have full support within Nuxt for the `bundler` strategy of
We would recommend adopting this if possible. It has type support for
subpath exports, for example, but more exactly matches the behaviour of
build tools like Vite and Nuxt than `Node16` resolution.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  typescript: {
    tsConfig: {
      compilerOptions: {
        moduleResolution: 'bundler'

This turns on TypeScript's ability to 'follow' Node subpath exports. For
example, if a library has a subpath export like `mylib/path` that is
mapped to `mylib/dist/path.mjs` then the types for this can be pulled in
from `mylib/dist/path.d.ts` rather than requiring the library author to
create `mylib/path.d.ts`.

##### ⚗️ Separate server types

We plan to improve clarity within your IDE between the 'nitro' and 'vue'
part of your app, and we've shipped the first part of this via a
separate generated `tsconfig.json` for your `~/server` directory
You can use by adding an additional `~/server/tsconfig.json` with the
following content:

  "extends": "../.nuxt/tsconfig.server.json"

Although right now these values won't be respected when type checking,
you should get better type hints in your IDE.

##### 💀 Deprecations

Although we have not typed or documented the `build.extend` hook from
Nuxt 2, we have been calling it within the webpack builder. We are now
explicitly deprecating this and will remove it in a future minor

#### ✅ Upgrading

As usual, our recommendation for upgrading is to run:

nuxi upgrade --force

This will refresh your lockfile as well, and ensures that you pull in
updates from other dependencies that Nuxt relies on, particularly in the
unjs ecosystem.

#### 👉 Changelog


##### 🚀 Enhancements

- **kit:** Add `prepend` option to `addImportsDir`
- **nuxt:** Add scoped helper for clearing error within boundary
- **nuxt:** Auto import 'watchPostEffect' and 'watchSyncEffect' from vue
- **vite:** Introduce `vite:configResolved` hook
- **webpack:** Introduce `webpack:configResolved` hook
- **kit:** Allow vite and webpack plugins to be prepended
- **nuxt:** Add layer meta and env overrides to config types
- **test-utils:** Add option to configure test server port
- **nuxt:** Allow access to components within app
- **kit:** Support passing getter to `addVitePlugin` and
- **cli:** Allow greater control of `nuxi analyze` from cli
- **nuxt:** Add `nuxtApp.runWithContext`
- **deps:** Upgrade to nitropack v2.4
- **nuxt:** Add experimental `typedPages` option
- **nuxt:** Add apps to nuxt build-time instance
- **cli:** Allow passing overrides to other nuxi commands
- **schema:** Enable rich json payloads by default
- **deps:** Update vue to v3.3
- **nuxt:** Use `runWithContext` within `callWithNuxt`
- **nuxt:** Add `useRequestURL` helper
- **nuxt:** Allow fallback production content in `<DevOnly>`
- **kit:** `addBuildPlugin` for builder-agnostic implementation
- **nuxt:** Allow keeping fallback for `NuxtClientFallback`
- **nuxt:** Support separate server tsconfig
- **nuxt:** Full scoped slots support for server components
- **nuxt:** Support parallel plugins

##### 🩹 Fixes

- **nuxt:** Remove backwards-compatible runtimeConfig proxy
- **nuxt:** Add `@nuxt/devtools` module before core modules
- **nuxt:** Properly handle query for component wrapper
- **nuxt:** Skip payload extraction for island context
- **nuxt:** Remove internal `<FragmentWrapper>`
- **nuxt:** Ensure `useError` is called with nuxt app context
- **nuxt:** Run page meta plugin on all pages (and only pages)
- **nuxt, vite:** Ignore `nuxt_component` ssr style and `isVue`
- **webpack:** Warn when using deprecated `build.extend` hook
- **nuxt:** Allow resolving client nuxt app to singleton
- **nuxt:** Generate empty sourcemaps for wrappers
- **nuxt:** Prevent treeshaking hooks with composable names
- **kit:** Prefer esm resolution for modules to install
- **vite:** Expand `fs.allow` dirs to include app files
- **nuxt:** Deduplicate global components before registration
- **nuxt:** Remove webstorm compatibility augmentation
- **nuxt:** Enable suspensible behaviour for nested pages
- **cli:** Hard-reload nuxt when `.env` changes
- **nuxt:** Avoid destructuring error prop (works around upstream bug)
- **nuxt:** Always inline styles for server/island components
- **nuxt:** Allow serialising undefined refs
- **nuxt:** Transform client fallbacks directly on SFCs
- **vite:** Dedupe/optimize more vue core deps
- **nuxt:** Get fallback for `<DevOnly>` from parsed html
- **nuxt:** Ensure all dir parts are present in component name
- **nuxt:** Allow `pages:extend` to enable pages module
- **nuxt:** Stop loading indicator on vue errors
- **nuxt:** Add types for webpack/vite environments
- **nuxt:** Pass from + savedPosition to first `scrollBehavior`

##### 💅 Refactors

- **schema:** Move `runtimeCompiler` option out of experimental
- **kit:** Use esm utils for `resolvePath`

##### 📖 Documentation

- Fix typo ([#&#8203;20577](
- Update tailwind configuration guide
- Fix fetch composable examples
- Note that `useCookie` does not share state
- Selective pre-rendering options
- Ensure we guard all `navigateTo` examples
- Add `useSeoMeta` and `useServerSeoMeta` pages
- Recommend `<NuxtLayout>` when migrating `error.vue`
- Add lagon to presets list
- Add `await` before lazy composable examples
- Add missing step migrating to `pinia`
- Server directory improvements

##### 🏡 Chore

- Revert markdownlint upgrade
- Run docs lint workflow on dep upgrades
- Revert `markdownlint-cli` update and prevent auto-update
- Ban `@ts-ignore`
- Do not install example dependencies
- Disallow `.only` in tests
- Type-check `.mjs` files
- Fix typo in `pnpm-workspace.yaml`
- Update target for `externalVue` removal
-   Lint ([742f61766](

##### ✅ Tests

- Test with bundler module resolution

##### 🤖 CI

- Run autofix on renovate branches
- Run 2.x nightly release on node 16
- Add conditional for node 16 test
- Set max memory for nuxt2 release script globally
- Add workflow to release branches
- Update pr condition
- Update repo 🤣
- Allow specifying tag for edge releases
- Comment with link to tag of released version
- Pass tag as argument
- Release edge versions of labelled prs

##### ❤️  Contributors

-   Daniel Roe ([@&#8203;danielroe](
-   Sébastien Chopin ([@&#8203;Atinux](
-   Anthony Fu ([@&#8203;antfu](
- Julien Huang
- Alexander
- Dario Ferderber
-   白雾三语 ([@&#8203;baiwusanyu-c](
-   Inesh Bose ([@&#8203;ineshbose](
-   Lehoczky Zoltán ([@&#8203;Lehoczky](
-   Emile Caron ([@&#8203;emilecaron](
- Eckhardt (Kaizen) Dreyer
-   Eduardo San Martin Morote
-   Tom Lienard ([@&#8203;QuiiBz](
-   Scscgit ([@&#8203;scscgit](
-   Clément Ollivier ([@&#8203;clemcode](
- Jamie Warburton ([@&#8203;Jamiewarb](
-   Enkot ([@&#8203;enkot](
-   Phojie Rengel ([@&#8203;phojie](
-   Harlan Wilton ([@&#8203;harlan-zw](
- Gergő Jedlicska
- Stefan Milosevic
-   Pavel Mokin ([@&#8203;Lyrialtus](

### [`v3.4.3`](

[Compare Source](

> 3.4.3 is a patch release with the latest bug fixes. 🐞 It is expected
that the next release will be v3.5, in approximately two weeks' time.

#### ✅ Upgrading

As usual, our recommendation for upgrading is to run:

nuxi upgrade --force

This will refresh your lockfile as well, and ensures that you pull in
updates from other dependencies that Nuxt relies on, particularly in the
unjs ecosystem.

#### 👉 Changelog


##### 🩹 Fixes

- **nuxt:** Don't call `timeEnd` unless we're debugging
- **nuxt:** Use key to force server component re-rendering
- **nuxt:** Add basic typings for `<ClientOnly>`
- **nuxt:** Use `event.node.req` in cookie utility
- **deps:** Relax upper node version constraint
- **nuxi,schema:** Support `devServer.https: true`
- **nuxt:** Throw 404 when accessing `/__nuxt_error` directly
- **nuxt:** Use `callAsync` for executing hooks with context
- **nuxt:** Improved typing support for app config
- **nuxt:** Call `app:error` in SSR before rendering error page
- **nuxt:** Restrict access to single renderer outside of test/rootDir
- **nuxt:** Throw errors when running legacy `asyncData`
- **nuxt:** Transform `#components` imports into direct component
imports ([#&#8203;20547](
- **nuxt:** Return `RenderResponse` for redirects

##### 📖 Documentation

- Fix typos on docs homepage
- Update links to `vue-router` docs
- Remove RC reference and add link to vue migration build
- Add cdn proxy section
- Add a next steps link to first page of migration docs
- Add custom fetch composable example
- Adjust wrong link after repo migration

##### ✅ Tests

- Exclude default error pages from bundle test
- Update snapshot

##### 🤖 CI

- Publish edge release with provenance
- Run release script with node 18
- Try releasing `nuxt-edge` with provenance
- Run nuxt2 nightly release on node 14 again

##### ❤️  Contributors

-   Daniel Roe ([@&#8203;danielroe](
-   Anthony Fu ([@&#8203;antfu](
- Julien Huang
- Andrew Luca
-   Adrien Zaganelli ([@&#8203;adrienZ](
- Michael Gale (he/him)
-   Clément Ollivier ([@&#8203;clemcode](
-   Paul Melero ([@&#8203;gangsthub](
- Jonas Thelemann
-   Johannes Przymusinski ([@&#8203;cngJo](
- Idorenyin Udoh



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
renovate[bot] committed May 16, 2023
1 parent d976a0e commit d73ccf0
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 2 changed files with 200 additions and 224 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"flatted": "^3.2.7",
"h3": "^1.6.6",
"hookable": "^5.5.3",
"nuxt": "3.4.2",
"nuxt": "3.5.0",
"nuxt-icon": "^0.3.3",
"sirv": "^2.0.3",
"tinyws": "^0.1.0",
Expand Down

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